SV/ CR Sota activation

Hello Sota friends,

I’m going to spend a week’s holiday in Crete from 03.06 to 10.06. I’ll be staying at Panormo Geropotamou, Rethymnon.

Of course, I’d like to activate some SOTA SV/CR during my stay. So any information about easily accessible summits (approach with a rental car and hike) from local operators or previous activators will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance


Laurent F8CZI

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I am now at the hotel and enjoy the first relaxation day.
So I hope I will receive some advise to facilite the choice of the next SOTA activation.

Thanks in advance


Hope you get some advice… I arrive on Crete on Thursday 15th June. So I too would be interested in summit information.

I have made some plans of my own as well.
73 Gerald

Hello friends,

in 2012 I activated SV/CR-005, Agios Dhikaios. You can park in Elos and hike up. It is “nice” hiking tour from 550m to 1181m ASL. Not sure, but maybe part of the road up is drivable and you can save part of the hiking. There was an opened chapelle and excelent look-out on the top. See the link :



Hi Pavel and Gerald,

Thanks for your answers.
I will tomorow do a trip to visit the west part of the island and also if possible, to activate SV/CR-005. Alert will be sent.

@ Gerald : enjoy your trip at FL/VO (my home region) and next in SV9.
@ Pavel : it should be a possibility for you to complete it if needed.

Laurent de SV9/F8CZI


maybe an additional tip for you. As I remember, in 2012 I planned also to activate SV/CR-024 Samitos, but unfortunately not activated then. It seems there is an access possibility from Opsigias or from Petrochori.

Samitos (SV/CR-024) - SOTLAS

73! and enjoy

Hi Pavel,

Hello Pavel,

First of all, thank you Pavel for this information, which enabled me to activate SV/CR-005 on Wednesday. I will prepare a small report to disseminate on the reflector. I will also add some information on the summit page so that future activators can prepare themselves.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to activate any other summits as I twisted my foot on the way down on Wednesday. It’s nothing too serious, but it’s enough for me not to overdo it and to take advantage of it to relax by the pool.



Hi Laurent,

I am glad I could help you and you activated at least one SV/CR summit. I wish you fast recovery and relax by the pool. I will be happy to read your activation report later.

73, Pavel

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