Surprised by a huge pile up on 20m

Anyone who knows me knows that I’m keen on S2S. And in the case of double activations, leave the spot to Uwe, DK8OA.
Today I called myself at 20m and was surprised by a huge pile up. Thank you to all chasers. If you want to hear how good you were to hear, here’s the audio clip of…

1037 ok2kg, 1038 oh3gz, 1038 ea2dt, 1039 m0cqe,1040 sp7mw, 1041 sm5lne, 1042 ea7gv, 1043 m0zxq, 1043 9a1ww, 1043 ea3hyj, 1044 kd1ct, 1045 ea2ckx, 1046 ix1ihr, 1047 sp8bju, 1048 ea1gkp, 1048 sp6bow, 1049 i4rhp, 1049 oh1rr, 1050 sp9amh, 1050 s57ilf, 1051 om5tx, 1053 9a2ki, 1054 2w0ysw

By the way Jan, SM5LNE your modulation is perfect :sunflower:

73 Chris


Hello Chris. Thanks for the QSO. I am not surprised by the pile up. Your Audio is outstanding. Very clear natural and easy to hear, even for a deaf old man as I am. Thank you for hearing my call and including me in the Video. Thank you also for the QSO today. Your Audio was as before, Excellent and easy for chasers to complete their QSO. Best wishes, 73 de Paul M0CQE.


Hi Chris,

You have reminded me that I really ought to try to record my own QSOs when taking part in the Transatlantic S2S Event coming up - if I get any QSOs, that is. I must put some batteries in my Zoom H4N and take it with me…

Cheers, Rob


Hi Rob,

the KX2 makes it easy for me. I always have the monitor turned on even with SSB to control my modulation. I also connected the headphone output to earplugs and the to audio input from the cell phone. This is for the brilliant app Morse Expert, because my brain still needs help decoding telegraphy.

73 Chris