Well, i dont know why it happened today, Feb 4th, 2024, but ten meters was absolutely nuts here in Arizona working into Europe on 10 Meters.

I was able to work FIFTY TWO Europe stations on Ten Meters…the most ever for me here in Arizona. All were on CW…and more good news…we are no where near the solar maximum yet!!!

With openings like today every day could be a SOTA event!

Thanks to all in EU for today!




Tnx fer QSO, your Signal report in the north of Spain was 539.

Yesterday was a very good day for chase, of course, in the morning beaming to east chasing JA and later afternoon US.

Congrats fer 52 qsos, WoW.

Witch antenna used?

The antenna here is my old, well worn, link Dipole on a 13 foot mast, attached to an FT818.



Dipole is a good value, I chased you a lot of times, I was sure you don’t use a whips antenna, hihi

I keep debating other antennas, but the link dipole gives me little incentive to try something else…no other antenna allows me to work all bands 160 thru 6 meters without a tuner…

OK… i rarely carry the extra wire for 160 meters, but i can if i want to…:smiley:



Hi Pete, I rarely get to your side of the continent, yesterday was a good day, additionally I was operating from the garden which is not ideal from a EMI point of view.

KX2, 10W and an EFHW for 40m.
Short video of how you were coming over

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I heard you here in the uk but not too strong at 329, you couldn’t hear me. I am using a 40M EFHW antenna maybe I should make a dedicated 10 metre aerial for the solar max. 73 Alan G3TZA

Thanks for QSO Peter, you were 549 with me. I used EFHW inv-L running 60W. The strongest lobe of antenna points towards North America.

Have a look at this topic, it will give you some options to consider

I hope to work you again, maybe even S2S.

GL 73 Marek

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Hallo Pete yes a great day and many W QSO’s on 10m also for Hunters. Wkd with 200W and R7. Hope we meet again in CW. 73 gl de Nick, HB9DDZ

Thanks for the s2s from W2/GC-097 on 10M Sunday. You were booming in at RST 589 and I was sure you had either switched to high power or carried a yagi up the hill !!
Stay well & 73!
Mike, WB2FUV

Well I did cheat yesterday…I have a small Amp which I almost never use due to all of the extra weight. On this peak (a shorter hike) I brought it along thinking it might be of some use for the wimpy opening I though we were going to have… So I was actually running 30 watts or so.

So that obviously helped…but I was lucky that the DX gods smiled on us yesterday.

So luck has a lot to do with it!



May not have been necessary. I was running the usual 5w from my FT-817 for our S2S and all other QSOs. The first 35 days of 2024 have been great - the summer might just be incredible this year.

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Pete, I couldn’t hear you, but I could tell you were there by the callers.
I, too, noticed how good conditions into Europe were yesterday.
A short trip to W6/CT-226 before our big rains began was quite productive despite the higher RF noise floor on that summit. And the SFI was 130. Today it’s 170, I am at work and the rain continues to fall, as it will for the next several days.
That a simple 17’ center fed piece of wire can radiate so well is magic.
72, David N6AN

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Hi Pete @WA7JTM ,

It was beautiful copy of you here in South Poland.
Congratulation for so huge log :muscle:

Thank you for 2 QSOs:

  • SP59GURU (you logged it wrongly as HB9GURU :frowning:)
  • SP9MA

73, Jarek


It certainly was! I was really surprised when I checked the location of your summit. Thanks very much for the QSO on Sunday. It took a few tries, but we got there in the end.

73, Matthew M0JSB

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TNX Matthew!!!

Hopefully many more 10M QSO’s to come with you from summits this year!!!



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Looking forward to it, and maybe they’ll be a S2S too…:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: