Summits on Mallorca (EA6/MA) why no activations?

Quick question, i notice there are 66 summits on the Island of Mallorca but only one of them has been activated! Is there any particular reason for this?

It strikes me as strange as it’s a large tourist destination so i’m a little confused and can only think there’s a good reason the activation is so low!

It’s quite a new association and expeditions and/or expedition+holidays take a while to plan.

Ah! That would explain it then, i just found it strange that it had all of these 10 pointers with no activations. Thank you :smile:


Following your hint I activated recently:

I intend to creat an activation report

73s, Franz

Good work sir & congrats on some brand new ones :wink:

EA6-SOTA Expedition plans:
Two activators from SOTA-DL will travel to EA6 to activate different summits on the island of Mallorca and to give many chasers a chance for a “new one”.
Andy, EA6/DG7MGN/p will concentrate on SSB, while Martin, EA6/DF3MC/p will mainly be active on CW. We are on the island from Saturday, Feb. 21st until Tuesday, Feb. 24th. Depending on WX and local circumstances, we intend to climb one of the higher summits if possible. And there are many lower summit which should be more easy to reach.
Details about time, frequencies and summits will appear in the SOTA alerts.
We are looking forward to some nice pile-ups and hope to reach many friends.

vy 73
Martin DF3MC


Have worked EA6/MA-32 AND EA6/MA-048 myself :smile:


Good luck Martin (and Andy) with the adventure :sunglasses: Will listen out for you.
Sol numbers do not look too good right now but see what happens.

  • I worked for two seasons on Mallorca as a Mountain leader and can confirm that the mountains are truly wonderful - some have chains and ladders - great stuff!
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