Summits in Finland


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This photo from Akalauttapää OH/SL-045 … 5degrees minus and strong north wind … sometimes strong snowy … i think these bonus points rules are not so fare for us … :wink:

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I don’t know why! I’ve ice-climbed in Scotland at -20C and Wales at -15C, so -5 doesn’t seem particularly harsh!

Brian G8ADD


That’s ok … but i like to get more points … that was my opinion …

Nobody can blame you for trying! :wink:



And i have one important point … that time when those extra points can get is time when here is dark around day, december to february we have’nt daylight north part of finland and there are our summits where you can get those special points …

I’m sorry … my english is not first class … :wink:

Your English is much, much better than my Finnish! :slight_smile:

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