Summit Stats?


Kudos firstly on the new database, it looks excellent, however (and maybe I’m just missing a trick here) on the old database a summit could be selected and the breakdown of qsos by band and mode could be displayed. On the new database I only seem to see a breakdown by band. I would like to be able to see if a summit has perhaps lots of SSB but little CW activity for instance. If this is no longer available well the benefits outweigh the loss.



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You can still see such breakdowns in the SMP/sotamaps main page - just choose a particular summit from the list and then click the “Summit history” tab in the upper left of the page - you’ll then see the complete listing by bands, modes and date for that summit, plus summary bar-charts and pie diagrams. The “Region summaries” tab will show similar listings, but for bands and modes per summit in the region.

Be aware that, since the SMP will be closed down sometime this year(?), these particular listings will soon enough disappear. To be replaced, no doubt, by something much better. Everything has its’ day, no?

Cheers, Rob

PS - I will readily admit to not being familiar with the new database - it could very well be the case that what you’re looking for is already there…

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Excellent , thanks Rob


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Oooh. Have I missed an announcement?

I must admit to using both SOTA Maps and SOTA Atlas.

GPX tracks are uploaded in SOTA Maps of course.

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No. But the writing is on the wall as functionality gets imported from the old to the new sites.


Where’s that damn wall that people keep writing on. It’s like the railway overpass graffiti. By the time I hear about it the matter is no longer relevant.
