Summit relocation - G/WB-022 Seager Hill

Final summit checks were made a few weeks ago Rob.

I now have to collate a few separate lists together before presenting to the AM. I had hoped to have that done this month but other things have taken priority, such as the large SM update we will shortly announce.

Obviously that “face pushed into the mud” comment is directed at me, to which I certainly do take offence. I told you it was in hand, that’s all. Your attitude is unhelpful and each negative reaction such as this only serves to lessen my enthusiasm for completing the task. I will get this through to Dzianis soon, but in spite of, not because of, your whinging.


As I predicted, I get my face pushed in the mud for trying once again to be helpful. Great tactics - you get a message which makes you feel uncomfortable, so you first of all blame the messenger for the delay in updating records:

and then you shoot the messenger:

Way to go, Simon: you could have swallowed your pride and thanked me for my efforts, but no: your own whinging has had the desired effect, and I’ll think thrice before even considering extending a helpful hand in trying to alert the MT to bad summit positions in the DB which might prove dangerous or even fatal to would-be activators. I doff my flat cap to my betters.

That is more than enough. I am closing this thread because of abrasive comments. Rob, I am talking specifically to you. Your post number 12 was fine until the last two paragraphs, where you could not resist making it personal and stepped outside the bounds set by the AUP. This must not happen again.