Summit Air Quality in Western U.S.

Activators, I am currently in Yuma, AZ six miles east of W6/SD-435 Pilot Knob. California Wildfire Smoke has dropped both visibility and Air Quality again. The AirNow link shows the current dangerous air quality zones and the massive two pronged smoke cloud overlay that envelopes much of the U.S.
See a very detailed real-time graphic on this link at AirNow Fire and Smoke Overlay


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I’m sorry to hear you’re in Yuma.

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The smoke goes where the wind takes it. Air quality is rather low here in SoCal and worse in NorCal.

Between active fires, areas closed for fire protection and the bad air quality; CA, Oregon and Washington SOTA activations are challenging. Pretty mild compared to the level of destruction to forests and people & property is downright depressing.

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I am in Portland, Oregon. The air quality index here is usually in the 17 range. Over the last week, it has averaged about 475, which is well into the “hazardous” zone, as in do not go outside unless you must because the air will make you sick. The sky has had a kind of pale sickly orange for days.

The devastation is hard to imagine. We’ve lost whole towns and within ten miles of my house in urban Portland, there are almost 600,000 acres burning and more than a million acres across the state. Mix in fires in California and Washington and it surely does seem like the world is on fire.

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Its starting to show up here in Alberta now so the winds are taking it north east.

Stay safe!!

73, Howard

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