Summer Expedition 2015

A few preliminary statistics:

Miles driven - 1145
Distance walked - 92km
Total ascent - 4240m
Summits activated - 20
Trig Points activated - 14
Contacts made - G4MD - 476, G4OIG - 403
Fun had - Immeasurable!

Oh - and ticks removed - 2

Thanks to all our chasers for making this a memorable outing and to Gerald for his work in conceiving the theme, and for the planning and preparation, most of which fell to him this time due to my work commitments

Now considering the next outing :smile:

73 de Paul G4MD

Edit: Gerald’s QSO total and my trig point stat added

Thanks Paul and Gerald for the activations.
I did not catch you Paul on all them and sometimes the noise and qrm was quite heavy duty down here on the SE coast but thanks for hearing me. :smile:
Suprised at only two ticks!
Well done both.

Well done to the both of you - a fine set of numbers.

Only heard you once on 60m - just, and Gerald with some scratchy cw on 40m (I think) but never a single chaser point was had. Never mind, as long as you both had a great time and achieved you goal that is the main thing. Only wish I could encourage myself to go out now but have gotten too lazy after my injury - but someday. :neutral_face:

Look forward to the reports.

73 Neil

Oh! and aren’t those ticks a pleasure, my bites take weeks to heal properly. :mask:

Yes, I only got crosses… :wink:

The QSO total for me was 403, probably fewer on account of the monoband 14MHz VK trial from Moncreiffe, the use of the 14MHz vertical on the Knock of Crieffe (which didn’t work on 10MHz and wasn’t that brilliant on the other bands) and the distinct lack of chasers on Cairnie Hill due to the later hour and the time difference to much of Europe (only 8 worked).

I am very pleased that my hair-brained scheme worked out okay and we have survived without injury. One minor repair to the antenna was all I had to deal with. I must do better with my scheduling though… I arrived home 4 minutes early!

73, Gerald G4OIG

P.S. to Neil… the only contact I made on 7MHz was on SSB with MW/ON4TA/P on the much needed GW/SW-039 - bagged using the 10MHz dipole while Paul was still on 5MHz.

I have just uploaded my logs and decided to check the situation with regards to spots for Cairnie Hill - none! Just the few that noted Paul was QRV, therefore I should be, made the log. Looks like the RBNGate service was down and I had no mobile service to self-spot. I had to use my backup mobile to phone Don G0RQL to say I had moved to 2m SSB.

Sometimes things just don’t go your way…

Thanks Mike, radio conditions were generally challenging throughout with many contacts being difficult. Good job you chasers are a determined bunch :smile:

Sorry we didn’t make it this time round Neil the lower bands were all over the place, especially for short-range contacts. Hope you’ll be getting out again soon, I’m sure your body will let you know when the time is right! The ticks were a surprise, don’t know where I picked them up but like you I’ll have the reminders of where they bit for quite a while :frowning:

73 de Paul G4MD

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To those that have asked about “the report” for this outing, I am pleased to say that I managed to get it completed this week and Mike G4BLH is hosting the marathon on the Summitsbase website. He has kindly offered to sort out the formatting and photos as I am about to sneak off to the sun without a radio for a rest. Writing about 20 activations in a week resulted in many pages of text and I eventually got the number of photos down to a manageable 50-odd, so Mike has his work cut out on this one. He will be releasing the report in daily portions as time permits, so log on and have a read while you eat your breakfast cereal. The first episode is online now -

73, Gerald G4OIG