Sudden QRT yesterday

Appologies to Rich N4EX yesterday when I disappeared suddenly during our NW-054 QSO, I was mugged by 3 over friendly dogs who ended up getting tangled in the guy ropes & co-ax resulting in the antenna collapsing & guy line snapping.

Also on NW-053 I fell foul of the band police by getting within 7KHz of the Mayotte expedition - I was told (not asked) to qsy at least 10KHz higher. The band police between them made a heck of a lot more disruption than my little station.

ps I made the mistake of climbing diectly up Moel Gyw instead of following the Offas Dyke path around the hill. I was shattered by the time I finally made it through the thigh high heather & gorse - never again!

In reply to G1INK:

disruption than my little station.

Seems there’s not a lot of the 12 metres band spare at present, what with Mayotte and Bhutan both working split “five to ten up”…

Edit: Oops! They’ve collided on 24.950…

In reply to G1INK:

ps I made the mistake of climbing diectly up Moel Gyw instead of
following the Offas Dyke path around the hill. I was shattered by the
time I finally made it through the thigh high heather & gorse - never

Yes, we did that too. Bad move!


Summits tips from SOTAwatch page for Moel Gyw.

“Dont be tempted to cut up through the heather for the summit…”

In reply to G3CWI:

I wasn’t intending to do Moel Gyw yesterday, the plan was for NW-054 followed by NW-047 a favorite of mine. However I had to take wx readings in Buxton at 10am to cover for a colleague, this meant a later than ideal start and a change of plan whilst driving. Still, I’ll know for next time.

In reply to G3CWI:

Moel Gyw is one of those exceptionally pleasant 1pt summits. I followed the path rather than being smart and going in a straight line. But there again, I had Brian G4ZRP with me and he appeared to have swapped his boots for a pairr of clown’s shoes that day and kept tripping up. His best was a sort-of Fosberry Flop over the gate at one point. Most people stop at the top of a gate and pivot but he kept going and went head first followed by the rest of him. Suddenly his head, body, legs and feet were in a race to see which could hit the ground first. He made the sound like of a bag of potatoes being emptied down stairs as various limbs, bags and radios fell to the ground. Then he stood up and trod on his clown shoes and fell over again *. Once I ascertained he wasn’t hurt I ended up in more pain from trying to suppress my laughter.

Taking him through deep heather would have been a disaster.


  • I have never tripped on my boots or fallen over. I have experienced many places when out walking, where gravity seems to have bursts of instant extra strength which results in me finding my self on the ground. These gravitional anomolies pass very quickly however and I’ve always been able to stand up shortly after! :wink:

In reply to MM0FMF:
What’s a gravitional??
Elliott, K6EL
Clown Shoes
Sans Gravition

In reply to K6ILM:

It was another gravitational anomoly, it caused my fingers to held against the wrong keys!


In reply to K6ILM:
Gravitional? Something to do with gravity mixed with a brown liquid, native to Scotland? Affects stability control.

Regards, Dave, G6DTN

In reply to MM0FMF:
It’s that brown stuff again - affects language skills as well!


In reply to G1INK:

Also on NW-053 I fell foul of the band police by getting within 7KHz
of the Mayotte expedition - I was told (not asked) to qsy at least
10KHz higher.

They were working a 10kc split on 12m of all places, today. As if the 12 band is’nt crowded enough :frowning:

73 Mike


Seeing as no-one else has mentioned it, may I say…


…on your 1000th SOTA activation!



In reply to M1EYP:


Very well done indeed, great achievement.

Steve MW0BBU.

Hi Steve,
i heard you yesterday sometimes…a bit over the noise…
called you a few times in the times you comming up into the qsb…
i received you sometimes with 21…31qsb. maybe not enough for a qso :frowning:

hope all is well and hope to work you for a s2s next time…

vy 73 and “ooohhhhlllaaaaaaaaaaa”


Congratulations Steve on 1000 SOTA activations.

Jimmy M0HGY

Yes indeed, many congratulations on that milestone, Steve, though I think your 500 uniques is a more challenging achievement. Doubt very much that I will reach either but it doesn’t (yet) stop me trying.


Hi Steve

Congratulations on your achievement. Always a pleasure to work you and nice to meet up with you coming off Shining Tor a few months ago.


Allan GW4VPX