Success or Failure in SOTA Activation?

Hello fellow SOTA Activators & Chasers:

Perhaps I’m a little too “sensitive”? Having added 22 points to my cumulative SOTA Activator score over a 72 hour +/- period, I should be satisfied. Two of the three summits were over 2,743 meters (9,000 feet). However, I feel I let down potential Chasers. Due to altitude sickness of one of my companions (my wife!), I was not able to activate using 20M ssb as posted on SOTAwatch, and opted for a hasty 2M fm activation of each of the 2 peaks.

So my inexperienced SOTA question is: to what extent do I need to actually execute my posted SOTAwatch plan so as to not let down the Chasers?

Somewhat tongue-in-cheek, as I truly love this crazy pursuit…


Wellllll… We chasers do kind of count on you activators doing at least what you have announced, but we also understand that Murphy loves to visit! I will work you another time. Hope your wife made a speedy recovery.
Martha W0ERI

In reply to K7MAS:

Rule number one is to not do anything where you might endanger yourself or anyone with you. Rule number two is to have fun on each activation. Rule number three is try to follow your plan, but do not violate rule number one or rule number two in pursuit of said plan.

The plan is…well…a plan,a best guess at what you hope to accomplish, especially when multiple summits are concerned. If you are early or late on an activation, or have to cancel part of the plan, the chasers will understand.

So be safe, have fun, and try to work as many people as u can on each summit. You are the DX…we all want to work you.



In reply to K7MAS:
Activator is King, so it’s 100% up to you the number of contacts, the time yo spend, the bands/modes you use, the speed of your pace, everything.
We, as chasers can’t do other than try to chase you and be grateful for the chance you and all the activators give us, no matter the times/bands/modes/power used.
You may announce certain plans on your alert, which you obviously will try to follow, but things are not always easy when in the peaks, so again, you are the king.
Best 73 de Guru -EA2IF