Stephan HB9EAJ has laid the foundation for a whole herd of mountain goats!

Being single is probably not the real thing in the long run…

…that’s probably what Stephan @HB9EAJ 's mountain goat thought.

As of today, it is no longer alone.

From today Stephan has two goats :goat: :goat: in the stable and if they make an effort… then there will be many more! :wink:

Congratulations to the start of a whole mountain goat herd.

Today I was with Stephan on FL/VO-066, FL/VO-067 … and FL/VO-088.

It was our second joint action and it was again a lot of fun! …and we complement each other quite well: Stephan serves the SSB chasers and I satisfy the CW community.

73 Armin


Hello Stephan @HB9EAJ. Congratulations on second mountain goat! Nice that your first one is no longer alone hi hi :slight_smile: :+1: :goat: :goat: :beers: Have fun with your common hobby.

Armin @DL6GCA. Congratulations on interesting score :wink:


See you soon in a QSO.

73 Marcel DM3FAM


Congrats auch von mir, Stephan, und weiterhin viel Spass beim Trainieren und Vergrössern der Herde!

73, Markus HB9DIZ


Congratulations Stephan @HB9EAJ
It was great to make contact earlier today on FL/VO-088 on 20m.

Up to the next one! :+1:

73, Robert


Hallo Stephan,

Herzliche Glückwünsche zur zweiköpfigen Ziegenherde :clap: :goat: :goat: :clap: :clap:!

Freue mich schon auf das nächste S2S!

73, Sylvia OE5YYN


Congratulations Stephan! :goat: :goat: :beers: :beers:
73 Fabio

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Herzliche Gratulation auch von mir. Danke auch fürs s2s gestern. Auf die nächsten :goat:
73 Arthur

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Gratulation Stephan. Hoffe wir schaffen die Herde heute auf der Hamradio wieder auf ein Getränk auszuführen :beers:

73 Joe

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Dear Armin, dear activators and chasers,

Thank you very much for your kind words, it’s just great to be part of this community and this special scheme!

The great thing about SOTA for me is that you always have a goal, in my case not (anymore) the points, but new landscapes, surprises along the way, the nature, and last but not least the many QSOs on the summit with familiar and new stations.

Yesterday, with good weather and as Armin @DL6GCA already explained, we did a three summit joint activation in our beloved Vosges. All three summits were new to me and two of them counted as complete.

On our second summit Haut du Roc (FL/VO-067), I had a QSO with the determined SOTA chaser Franck @F4ILZ, who lives near this summit and spontaneousely decided to vist us on the summit.

Selfie on FL/VO-067 with Armin, Stephan and Franck.

After our third summit, on our way back home, we stopped at a café and celebrated my second goat with a glass of Crémant d’Alsace, cheers!

A big thank you to all the people that dedicate a fair amount of their time to the fabulous infrastructure of SOTA!

73 Stephan


Congratulations Stephan on your second MG. I hope to have many more S2S with you.

GL 73 Marek

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. . . a celeb with style. Enjoy!
73, DIZ

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Hi Stephen, congratulatios, great selfie too

Geoff vk3sq

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Gratuliere Stephan, und danke für die vielen S2S. Weiterhin viel Spass bei deinen weiteren Aktivierungen und bis bald!

73, Stefan

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@HB9EAJ Oh wow! Double Goat! I’m just seeing this now and am quite impressed! What an accomplishment. Congratulations! I admire all SOTA Goats, but double-goats are extraordinary!
Fine business Stephen!
73 de AB6D


Congratulations dear Stephan, an excellent way to get the 2 x MG in good company.

All the best, VY 73 Ignacio


Gratuliere Stephan,
zur 2.Ziege :goat: :goat: :champagne:
Bis bald S2S
73 Heinrich IW3AGO

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Hallo Stephan alles gute zur zweiten Ziege
73 markus

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Stephan, Congratulation.
Crémant d’Alsace was good choice :grinning:.

73 Michal


Thanks to all for the kind words!

It was definitely the right decision 4 years ago to give SOTA a try.

Have fun and we’ll hear each other in the air soon!

73 Stephan


Hallo Stephan,
von mir die besten Glückwünsche zur 2. Ziege. Bei der Gelegenheit besten Dank für zahlreiche
QSO’s verbunden mit der Hoffnung, dass es diese auch In Zukunft geben wird. Freue mich auf weitere Verbindungen.
Beste 73’

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