Stations trying for VK Summits

Hello i was out of bed 2.30 am 17.00 utc time to check for USA stations on summits.
i saw plenty of activity on the Spot page but could not hear any stations as they appeared as a spot.
Andrew VK1NAM was on a summit 23.00 utc on 20m i had no skip to him at that time but was hearing VK4MEX quite well. Some USA stations were talking but no SOTA activators or chasers just the regulars on the bands. i was able to copy only the odd IBP cw beacon on 14 mhz and not able to follow them much higher in frequency to the other allocations. KH6WO was read up as high as 24.930 but only R 5 at 100w power output. So hope remains across the Pacific with some luck. Good luck 73 de Ian vk5cz …

In reply to VK5CZ:
Hello Ian,

I caught fragments of Andrew VK1NAM - not good enough to work and not helped by a NA net QSO 1.5kc down - one KB0 with a huge signal.

Always another day!!

Local time 00:40 BST = bedtime.

Night night (good day)
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

I caught fragments of Andrew VK1NAM

I had a listen for about 20 minutes after his first spot appeared, but I think I’ll need a much better antenna to pick a QRP signal from down-under out (if the local noise floor here isn’t too high, of course).

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to M0LEP:

Hello Rick,

For info’.

Andrew was using an 857 and 70W.

Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

Andrew was using an 857 and 70W.

In which case (and assuming UK wasn’t in a null of his antenna) I don’t just need a much better antenna, I need a much much better antenna… :wink:

73, Rick M0LEP

In reply to M0LEP:

More W/Hz is the answer Rick.

You can use bigger antennas or more power. Or you can narrow the b/w right down and use a very narrowband mode to reduce the noise contribution. Or massively spread the signal out with CDMA and reduce the noise contribution that way.

Or all of them.

I blame that Claude Shannon chap if you ask me!


In reply to MM0FMF:

Or massively spread the signal out with CDMA and reduce
the noise contribution that way.

Given that the coherence bandwidth of an HF channel is typically in the range of 100 to 20,000Hz [e.g. Nilsson, 2004], massive spreading might not be such a great idea.

In reply to G3CWI:

It’s a while since I looked at the hard sums behind this Richard but I thought that the BW of the data signal should be kept to less than the coherence BW. But it was fine to spread over greater than the coherence BW as the channel coding should handle fades and multipath. I could be mistaken though.


In reply to MM0FMF:


Night night.
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

Hi Mike

link to the blog and the short story on the activation. Complete with pictures.

Andrew, VK1NAM