SSTV Event

Who would be interested in a multi summit Saturday event based around SSTV? I was thinking two activity sessions, say 0800-1100 and 1500-1800 UTC to allow wider participation. Activity would probably be on 14.220-14.240 MHz for international QSOs and 144.500-144.600 MHz for local contacts.

It would be great to be getting S2S contacts, both internationally and locally. I would suggest taking a photo of yourself or summit at the time of your activation to use as the background image behind your QSO templates.

To operate SSTV portable, you’ll need a radio with a soundcard (like a FT-991A) or an interface like a ZLP MiniProSC or SignaLink USB. Plus of course a device (tablet) running MMSSTV (eg).

So, who would be interested, and shall we set a date?


Interest from W1


Definitely in if someone wants to try this in Scotland. I think last weekend proved I’ve no chance reaching you! I’m going to target Scald Law GM/SS-125 and Black Hill GM/SS-167 so expect I can work lots around Southern Scotland and into Eastern Scotland too.

Dates, not sure. I’m good for whenever really with notice. Saturday preferred.

Edit: is it good practice to send back the received image with your next image? It seems like it takes up a lot of room when there isn’t a lot of room to play with anyway, but I’ve seen it on some sources online. Signal report should suffice, I guess.

I’m one for getting received images emailed later if needed for posterity.

No thanks. My looks are more suited to CW.


Sorry, I was technologically bamboozled at…

Good idea tho, and I may have a go on VHF if organised for later in the year.


I think I’ll go for a trial run this coming Saturday morning. I’ll be QRV on 2m (144.500-144.600) SSTV and 20m (14.220-14.240) SSTV from around 0900.

It would be great to work some SOTA chasers on SSTV, and even greater to work a S2S. This is not the proposed SSTV event, but an opportunity for interested parties to start trying stuff out.


Hi Tom, what a great idea! What SSTV mode do you usually use please. Also, on VHF are you thinking of using an SSB or FM Tx? SSB may have the edge, but FM would make it much easier for folk who have never tried SSTV to get a picture, even if they can’t reply as no fine tuning is required. Just an Android/iPhone next to the speaker of an FM rig works pretty well at a pinch.

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Hi Ian,

Martin 1 seems to be OK for our purposes. This is up for discussion though.

For both HF and VHF, I’m using my FT-817 in DIG mode. This is because the connection to my tablet (running MMSSTV) is via the Data socket on my 817 and a 6-pin DIN cable.

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply and all noted.

I’ll have a play on the bench and see if I can cobble something together for Saturday.



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Would Martin 2 be better for the extra speed? I worry about my HT on transmit at the best of times. But I assume we’re thinking of reliability of transmission here?

Ach, it’ll be reet.

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It’s certainly a point to consider. I may try both Martin 1 and Martin 2 on Saturday, and compare/contrast the results.

Still only my alert on so far for SSTV Saturday. It would be great to have some potential S2S to try for, plus the more participants in these mini experimental sessions, the more useful information and tips we will gather ahead of a proper SOTA SSTV event later in the year.

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I’m still banged up after Allermuir at the weekend so I’m targeting the 24th for something. Probably a local test if we aren’t ready for the event yet. Knock off GM/SS-125 and GM/SS-167 on the same day hopefully.

Edit; I can do the 17th from a smaller hill inside Edinburgh probably - if there’s anyone willing to go up and activate nearby.

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A quick poll to ascertain what interest we might have for this experimental SOTA SSTV event on Saturday. If you are intending to take part as any of the following, please indicate. Tick as many options as you like!

SSTV participation Saturday 17th April 0900z
  • 2m activator
  • 2m chaser
  • 20m activator
  • 20m chaser

0 voters

I did this once with @KN6EZE and it was a lot of fun, and surprisingly easy with the Robot36 App.

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I’ve been using Scottie 2 for exactly that reason. 71s seems OK for both the UV5R and FT270R
Geoff ZL3GA

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23 hours to go! Still just my alert on, though @2M0IIG has indicated he might get on too. (If it’s Arthur’s Seat GM/SS-272, don’t forget to contact the office there to secure permission).

Wonder if @G7WKX and/or @GW8OGI are able to get out and try for a SSTV S2S contact?

Hi Tom,

I’ll be at home tomorrow afternoon, so should be in a position to chase SSTV.

Will be /P on Sunday, but VHF FM only - our first trip into Wales for some time.


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Alert is for 0800z / 9am tomorrow morning Simon!

Is the second activity session off Tom? I won’t get a pass to play radio in the morning - Nic is making me run 14miles…:running_man:‍♂ at my speed, that means we won’t be back until after midday ha ha :joy::rofl:

Morning Tom
After a bit of an uphill struggle with MMSSTV/Win10/IC705 it looks like its working.
I will be on G-LD-015 in the morning - alert posted
Can try 2m ssb Martin2 if you fancy an S2S attempt?
3 ele, 10w 800m asl