Since 2008 I run with the radio in the mountains-many qso in the safe.
If you had 100 contacts with my qrp station and you enjoyed it, write a list of GRC QSOs
and I will send a commemorative diploma. 1 qso= 1 summit, for dx stations 1 qso is enough.Peaks from Poland or other destinations. I will be happy with you and maybe someday I will shake your hand because this is peace… if you prefer a neutral background - add neutral
That’s an awesome backdrop Leszek.
I prefer video editing
I am up to 36 contacts, but haven’t been doing SOTA for that long. Thanks for all the contacts, and chaser contacts - I know sometimes you have to be very patient running low power.
Happy belated birthday. Here’s to many more S2S.
Regards, Mark
Good Morning Leszek,
We have plenty of QSOs OM! Can the 100+ count include QSOs with you using another country suffix, such as OK/SQ9MDF/P, where I have recorded 70 QSOs. I cannot make the 100 without counting other association QSOs other than Poland.
Like you I love operating in the Czech Republic, but it was better before “the review” decimated the summits that were non compliant LOL! It’s still a great place to operate SOTA though and the accommodation is cheap compared to the UK and for us with no single supplement.
The low cost flights to the Vaclav Havel Prague Airport hub are also plentiful!
RSVP and Happy New Year to you and Wioletta.
Phil G4OBK
shortwave is patience…
Hi Leszek, tnx for many contacts. I have a 100+contacts,
from 2022-12-30 and back in time to 2021-10-30.
73 / SA4BLM Lars
really a lot of qso-hope for the next one with a smile… leszek
open a’mail
I ask the question again Leszek… it looks like it is a YES!
73 Phil G4OBK
Dear Leszek and Anita
Every QSO is big pleasure for me.
73 Michal OM1ALT
radio makes the world small… Wiola i Leszek
Excellent Leszek! My award claim will be with you this evening. You are well travelled - I decided the only way I could produce a list of QSOs was by taking a series of screenshots based on filtering our QSOs in my logbook with each country you have activated from. I haven’t worked you on all your SOTA Tours - a few countries there are no QSOs, for instance no QSOS with you when you operated from GI/GW/HB/HB0. However I have you in my log from these 17 associations:
Total QSOs = 256
73 Phil G4OBK
I’m more of a traveler than a ham. But the radio is an additional motivation for us. sincere thanks for the qso, maybe someday in OK I will come out of the bushes to you…
Cześć Leszku,
Chyba nazbierałem 100+ QSO.
SQ9MDF/p 59
OK/SQ9MDF/p 23
OM/SQ9MDF/p 19
wydaje mi się że były jeszcze łączności z innych krajów
73 Marek
liczy się wszystko ze szczytów, które sa na serwerze Sota… skopiuj i podeśli- sory ale nie bardzo mi na rękę otwierać każdego logu… sq9mdf
Is there a way to query the number of contacts we’ve had via the SOTA database?
I can download and search my chaser log (2 chases) easily but checking my activator logs to check I haven’t missed something seems more difficult.
Go to your activator log in SOTA database and you will find a button labelled “Download complete log” near the bottom of the page.
Once downloaded, it can be opened (it is CSV format, so either in a text editor a spreadsheet) and searched for “SQ9MDF/P” … that’s how you find your S2S contacts with Leszek. Easily counted. My own log for example includes some S2S with OM/SQ9MDF/P and OK/SQ9MDF/P in addition to SQ9MDF/P. Do not count SQ9MDF without /P – these are Leszek-as-chaser contacts and do not count for the award.