Spy Balloon Operator? W6/SC-456 Activation

W6/SC-456 is a 1 pointer near one of my routine mountain biking areas here in SOCAL that I had never checked out. Once I found out that there was a SOTA summit up there I made a point get up there. I’m in no rush to give this trail another go with my mountain bike. With that said, I did find a little bit of tasty goodness after putting in a whole lot tough work.

While on the summit a hiker came up with a pretty funny question that I’m not completely sure was a joke at first.



Do you have to delete the parts where you take a spill??



This is way to funny. Reminds me of a couple of YL’s on Mt Belknap (W1/NL-002) last year that saw me running CW and asked if I was a spy. I told them not any more, I’m retired.
By the way, great effort.
73, Fred


Delete them, those are the money shots! As far as I can tell there is not much overlap between the MTB enthusiasts and SOTA enthusiasts crowd. I will often create two videos from one of my recorded outing. One that is tailored for SOTA and one that MTB oriented. Here is my MTB video from the same day, a lot of the same footage but some more trail and no radio.

73, Bill

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So that one time after W6/SC-048, I had the lowest speed “crash” in a tight eroded V slot tangled up with the bike a bit. Bill rolls up and said he hoped the camera was still rolling for a thumbnail, before I could start untangling. :slight_smile:

I vote for more MTB SOTA crossover videos. :slight_smile:



I think those questions are intended to be amusing, only a little thought would reveal that any spy wants to remain hidden and would not be on a hilltop with a big antenna talking on a radio. But they do give us some amusement!

Nice MTB trip.

73 Andrew VK1DA/VK2DA


Same. Another vote for more MTB SOTA.


Maybe Andrew,
However AR is a good cover for balloon control ops and intelligence operations.

Well maybe.

In keeping with tradition I shall drag the discussion further off topic

In 1972 the Aus DOD screened a film about spy’s and espionage made in the UK. It was required viewing by all staff. The villain was a radio amateur who sold secrets in return for presents of great ham gear.

My manager then quizzed me for weeks about my AR hobby. I didn’t know whether to be angry that I had a gullible boss or that AR operators were cast in such a poor light. I had just bought an FTdx400 and I thought it best to not disclose that.



The camera just happened to be off at that time. (I had a cluster of camera issues that day) so that MTB pileup did not make it in the log. Head copy only…but it was 599 all the way! :grinning: