Spots a problem for chasers, maybe! .

Sorry folks my Spots this week have been running a bit behind the actual on air/band I am operating on. I use SOTA Spotter App which works very well for me apart from some of the typos I put in. Lots of VK chasers like to watch the Australian Park and Peaks which are linked to SOTAwatch3 to pass on Spots once I put them on. I am out in quite remote areas with limited phone coverage and a BLDY long way from the SOTA / SW3 database.
I am Spotting through an app and not direct to SW3 and Parks and Peaks get the information the same way from my understanding. Some chasers get the Spot to find I have already QSYd to the next band. I know some folks think I should spend more time on each band/mode BUT, I am doing 7 summits this trip with only 2 batteries to run my radio, and once the on the ball chasers find me I work them and don’t spend or waste much on air time calling to get no answers just in case “snoozer” turns up 10 minutes later. I move on to another mode/band in the same order every activation so quite often some chasers are already waiting for me if they do CW on 40m for instance. I like to work my locals on 40m then the JA / U.S ops on 10m CW then 20m SSB then 20m CW. If ZL1TM is not in my log I sometime get him on 15m CW. Afternoon activations might be different, 10m CW first before band drops out then 40m SSB/CW and 20m SSB/CW to get the long path DX sometimes. Sorry if anyone did not work me at anytime but there are a few factors to take into account keeping the ducks lined up. OH and I am not bagging the Spot/Alerts system it works very well, just making folks aware of what can happen to test ones skills.
Ian vk5cz …


Thanks Ian.

Knowing your sequence is helpful. I have found myself listening on the wrong frequency and then seeing you had QSYed. That’s not due to SOTAwatch being slow to update. I’ve found it is suprisingly fast. My main problem has been necessary domestic activity clashing with activations…

10 m has been disappointing for VK3 to VK5.

Good luck with the remaining peaks.


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Hi Ian,
Well, that explains a lot !! I start listening for you as soon as I see your spot come up on PnP and I often get a ping from Gerard. It is a good feeling when I get you in my log. Thank you so very much for being out there.
73 44 de W6LEN / Jess


Hi Ian,
Thanks so much for activating these remote summits. I’ve been able to catch all six so far but not all on both SSB and CW. So some comments from the point of view of a chaser.

SOTA Spotter seemed to be problematic to me when on Monday a QRV spot arrived followed two minutes later by a QRT spot. I don’t know whether this app provides any feedback when a spot arrives at SOTAwatch3? I use VK port-a-log which does give this feedback. Luckily for me this happened for a band I couldn’t work you on. 20m and sometimes 40m are the only ones workable for me.

Chasers need to monitor SOTAwatch3, not ParksnPeaks because there is a five minute delay between them. You could have moved on by two slots in that time. I have done some re-spotting on ParksnPeaks because these spots appear instantly on both sites.

Using the RBN to monitor for your CW activities has been useless. Your sigs are too weak to even be heard by RBN stations. Only one slot on 20m today has been heard all week. Maybe you have the TX power dialled back? Or use an end-fed antenna? Sigs are weak in any case.

It’s certainly providing a challenge for the chaser. The regular routine of band slots is a big help because spotting is fallible. I often find myself working you before a spot has come through.

Hope you have fun out there. Safe travels!

73, Gerard - VK2IO


It’s interesting to get a perspective from another part of the world. Here in Europe that wouldn’t be the case, at least not on bands such as 30m.

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That’s what I monitor (SOTAwatch3) almost 24 / 7, even when I am sitting in my recliner.


Sorry Gerard the QRT comment on the Spot was my fault I did not clear that line from the previous Day. I always burn up some SOTA data sending my QRT and of course TNX to chasers. My old android phone is a bit hard to see sometimes too and I mostly double check what I am sending but sometimes senior moments creep in. I accept all the blame for what happens but just clearing the air and letting folks know my perspective. I promised myself a new phone soon and hoping SOTA spotter will work on it its a great easy App to use and while its working don’t fix it.
Regards appreciate the understanding. Yes Ron 10m no good to vk3/2 get VK4TJ when he calls me. Looking forward to next time regards.
Ian vk5cz …


Thanks for the info Ian,
I have stuck with SMS spotting as I find it the simplest, either to the VK number or the UK one.
I have also noticed the delay with ParksnPeaks but of course sending the sms spot via the VK number reduces that.
I hope to catch you on air again soon.
73, Warren.

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Sotawatch3 works well and can edit etc in case of a typo.

73’s Wal VK2WP

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Next week folks I am planning to buy a new phone and hopefully get a better screen I can see outdoors. My not so trusty anymore phone has had a hard life. Maybe then I can resort back to SW3 page like I used for the first few years out on summits. But I will still be sticking to my format of activating this year while the 10m challenge is still running and on average 1 hour on air time on the bands each activation. As I am doing SOTA by myself this year and not leaving the SSB contacts for Hugh when he was with me. I now do SSB and CW so need to swap bands and modes more frequently. I think I am on my A game so chasers thanks for your heavy lifting that end.
CZ …

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Hi Ian,

Bogdan YO3SAW (SK) was the developer of the app. In March he advised that it is no longer being maintained and that the services such as push have now been stopped. Use with caution / awareness that it may stop working altogether at any time.


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