Special event station SN0SOTA - 2nd SOTA-SP Meeting

In days of 2-5 October 2014, with special emphasis on weekend days, I will be active as SN0SOTA special call. - on behalf of whole SOTA-SP community This is to emphasise and promote SOTA as such, not only in SP, however the trigger is the event of our country-level meeting held on 3-5 October. Spotting will be done as usual, by means of Sotawatch. There is also possibility to work from the event meeting place, then it will be spotted on DX-cluster without engaging Sotawatch, to distunguish activations and valley work…

We will work on 7 and 14MHz mostly, but hopefully other bands would be utilized, as well.

That callsign will be extended through whole October, hopefully benefitting by promoting our program.

Thank you for readiness to QSO.

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Thank you, those who managed to QSO us on Thursday and Friday, tomorrow, there will be a cumulation of SOTA activators in the region of SP/BS. Stay tuned! :slight_smile:

I hope this additional piece of information will not bother you.

Today there will be working 2 special calls in the field:


And in total you could hear such summits activated today:
BS-003 Kozie Żebro - SQ9OZM*, SO9ARK*
BS-004 Jaworzyna Konieczniańska - SQ9APD*, SQ9OKZ*
BS-005 Jaworze - SQ7OVV
BS-006 Jaworzynka Wysowska - SQ9APD*, SQ9OKZ*
BS-009 Wątkowa - SQ9MDN*
BS-010 Magura Małastowska - SQ9MDN*
BS-011 Mareszka - SQ9MDN
BS-012 Chełm Grybowski - SQ7OVV
BS-014 Magurycz Duży - SQ9MDN*
BS-015 Hlocza - SQ8JMZ
BS-016 Rotunda - SQ9APD, SQ9OKZ
BS-019 Rosochatka - SQ7OVV
BZ-021 Jaworzyna Krynicka - SQ9PND, SN0SOTA(SQ6GIT), SP9XWL
BZ-023 Wierch nad Kamieniem - SQ9OZM, SO9ARK
BZ-025 Pusta Wielka - SQ9PND, SN0SOTA(SQ6GIT)

We are looking forward to being hunted! Stay tuned…

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Today is the last chance to hunt SN0SOTA from a summit, this year.

Stay tuned! :slight_smile: