SPAM on VK1/AC-014 summit info page


The VK1/AC-014 info page has been hit by spam.

Andrew, VK1NAM

In reply to VK1NAM:
Hello Andrew, just checked. Someone has got their broom out and swept out the spam.
Best wishes

In reply to VK1NAM:

This is happening all the time, Andrew, some guy in China thinks we’re an easy target but his junk is rarely there for more than an hour before we dump it!


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G8ADD:
Hello Brian, looked like Scandi source to me, not China!

In reply to G6TUH:

Really… spam from Scandanavia? I don’t think so. I’ll think you’ll find it was spam for Scandanavians.

As usual, the spam resolves to China, just like everything else that is cheap, nasty, unreliable and toxic.

The Chinese government spends its time censoring inbound connections, they could do spending as much effort censoring the bilge that spews forth from their own kingdom.



In reply to MM0FMF:
Hello Andy,

“…The Chinese government spends its time censoring inbound connections, they could do spending as much effort censoring the bilge that spews forth from their own kingdom.”

Yes but I don’t now what the motivation is to do it?

I can understand the occasional plea in my emails - from Nigeria etc. saying they want to let me have £3,000,000 8)

Anyway time to go and take Bertie for his walk in the Ashdown Forest,
