SP15SOTA award to celebrate 15 years of SOTA SP (Part 1)

For today in forecast was rain, in afternoon time snow.
To survive I activated SP/BZ-040 - summit with shelter.

I worked 18MHz CW, 21MHz CW, 10MHz CW, 28MHz SSB, 21MHz SSB, 7MHz SSB, 14MHz SSB & 2m FM.
Two series are worth to indicate:
On 10MHz CW 41 QSOs within 25 minutes, including 2 S2S QSOs :wink:
On 7Mhz SSB 32 QSOs within 20 minutes, including 1 S2S QSO :wink: - on 7MHz I must QSY a few times due to QRM.

In total 140 contacts logged, 14 S2S :wink:

73, Jarek


On coming Saturday SP/BZ-028 is scheduled to activate.
Snowfall is expected bur forecast show a chance to survive :wink:

73, Jarek


Łukasz SO15TA will activate SP/PI-001 :wink:
Stay tuned :exclamation:

73, Jarek

Today’s activation SP/PI-001, 106 qso, 13 S2S. All kinds of weather. Strong icy wind. Thank you all and warm greetings.

Lukasz, SO15TA.


On SP/BZ-028 when I reached the summit WX was very nice:

During activation WX was changed:

It was difficult to stay longer time there and I decided to activate second summit SP/BZ-016.
On the trail was windy:

On the summit was snowing but during activation WX was changed to better - photo taken on the way back:

112 contacts logged
5 S2S
2 DX

13km in the boots, 800m up & down :wink:

73, Jarek



Thanks for S2S from GI/MM-014. Here no snow :smile:

73 - Tonnie - PA9CW


My pleasure Tonnie, many thanks :exclamation:

73, Jarek

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The are 2 months of SP15SOTA award activity gone.

Statistics are as below:

For the moment 12 diplomas earned: 7 by foreign operators and 5 by Polish ones.
Nice to tell that we have 22 DX stations in the log.

Up to now we logged 30 activations on 27 different summits - max possible score is 27 points.
The best scored chasers have 25, 24 & 22 points.

More details here:

Many thanks to all participants :wink:

73, Jarek

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On coming Saturday we both Łukasz and me will activate Queen of Beskids SP/BZ-001
SO15TA/P in the morning on HF
SP15OTA later on 2m/70cm FM

Stay tuned :wink:

73, Jarek

SP/BZ-001 is activated.
Conditions allowed handheld work only.
We call this summit Queen of Beskids but second name is Mother of Bad Weather.
Today Queen of Beskids offered beautiful view but at the same time we suffered strong wind.

Photo below shows shelter that allowed to survive :wink:

On 2m FM I logged 39 QSOs, 2 of them S2S :wink:

Łukasz SO15TA/P activated earlier than me (we met on the trail) and later he activated one more summit SP/BZ-002, also on HF :wink:

73, Jarek


Activation SP/BZ-001. Strong gusty wind which moved pieces of ice. I couldn’t put up the endfed.

SP/BZ-002- also strong wind but I managed to activate.

All together I managed 88 qso and 9 S2S.
Thank you and greetings to you all.
Lukasz, SO15TA :wink:


Tomorrow Marco @SP9BIJ & Wojtek @SQ9BQW will activate SP/BZ-072
I will activate SP/BZ-031

Both of summits are new ones :wink:

73, Jarek


SP/BZ-031 today :wink:

My shelter plus big umbrella from the other side due to snowing & wind

On a start huge pile-up on 20m band:
39 minutes 60 QSO CW including 5 S2S
break for deep breath :smiley:
19 minutes 26 QSO SSB including 7 S2S :wink:

In total 144 contacts logged, 17 S2S.

Thank you activators & chasers :exclamation:

73, Jarek


Hi Jarek,
I felt you stress when we did our S2S this morning. I logged your double callsign SP15 and SP9, but the avid chasers didn’t allow us to say goodbye and thanks fer S2S!

So, now here it goes: TKS fer S2S 73 es GL

Ignacio (EG2GURU/P today)


Hi Ignacio,
Thank you very much :exclamation:
It is great honor for me to take a part in GURU commemorative action.
Unfortunately it is typical for many chasers to open their big guns too early when we complete S2S QSO.
This problem we also discussed in the past here on reflector with our Friend Guru but I think it is incurable disease.

See you soon on frequencies Ignacio :wink:

73, Jarek


Today Łukasz @SO15TA activated SP/BZ-004 :wink:

Tomorrow Wojtek @SQ9BQW & Marco @SP9BIJ will activate SP/BZ-065 :wink:

73, Jarek

One more activation for tomorrow will offer Łukasz @SO15TA, he will activate SP/BZ-005 :wink:

73, Jarek

Today’s activation of SP/BZ-004, 83 qso.

Until next time, greetings.
Lukasz, SO15TA.


Activation SP/BZ-005 will take place at a different time. Regards.

Lukasz, SO15TA😉

Today’s activation of SP/BS-003, 136 qso, 11 s2s.

Until next time, greetings.
Lukasz, SO15TA.