The new layout of SOTAWatch3 has a global setting for left aligned or centered. I have tried both and they look the same to me, which appears to be centered. Am I missing something?
The new layout of SOTAWatch3 has a global setting for left aligned or centered. I have tried both and they look the same to me, which appears to be centered. Am I missing something?
It was working for me the other day when I tested it but I will have to look at it another time. It basically just eliminates the whitespace to the left
Now I see! It is centering the whole screen in the window, I was expecting it to center the contents of the individual cells similar to an Excel spreadsheet. I wasn’t stretching the window wide enough.
I have been with SOTA many years now and have always enjoyed the upgrades, but honestly I am not a fan of the new SOTAWatch layout. I have to spread the window between a third and half way across my monitor to see all the columns. If I want to use the alignment feature, I have to spread the window two thirds of the way across my monitor. Doing so leaves me no screen real estate to run my logging program. I am using Chrome browser so maybe that is the problem.
Also, my Android phone never shows all the columns, even if I turn it in landscape mode. I too use Chrome on my phone. The column I never see on my phone is the points column and it is the same column that disappears on my desktop when I decrease the width to show each spot as two rows instead of one.
I do know how difficult and time consuming it is to work with projects like this and I am grateful for all the work done. But I just wanted to pass along my experiences in a positive way.
73, Ron
I held my Android phone in landscape mode and took a screenshot (volume down and power together).
Here is what it looks like, all columns displayed.
Motorola Moto g53, Android 14, Brave Browser (Chrome without the Google spyware)
I noticed that the points disappear on my android phone in portrait mode, but appears in landscape mode. But in landscape mode you can’t get many spots on the screen. The old layout was much better.
Reminds me of the Dilbert where the marketing guy asked for a device small enough to fit in trouser pockets but with a 48in screen that ran for 3 months without charging. Dilbert slapped him and the marketing guy relented. Of course we know this is not how marketing guys react!
Anyway we’ve had some kind of SOTAwatch for about 16 years now. It never displayed points till a few weeks back. If it doesn’t display points in portrait mode on a phone now then you’ve not lost anything compared to where you were before the update.
Another thing …
since this morning I got “alarms” 2,3 or 4 times for one spot or two …
Yes I know i can turn off “alarms”
I’m surprised by that (but I’m not doubting you) because on a summit I’ll decide whether or not to keep calling for an S2S based on the points value. I’m much more likely to persevere for a 10 pointer than a 1 pointer so I like to see the score on the screen. I used to use the Sotaspotter app but have been using the website for ages now so I am flabbergasted to be told it’s only just started showing the points.
This is can I got on portrait mode on my iPhone 15 pro max
Edit : Without the spotter and score
Another thing
Since this morning my notes on my chaser log are emptied of my entries in automatic mode! The last entry by hand by Edit is in the log…
To be exact, it displayed points in the black box if you put the cursor on the entry, just as it does now - except that now you have to be pretty precise in positioning the cursor because now you have to get it on the underlining position.
For my part I think the new version has gained some clarity, but at the cost that I cannot get both the spots and the reflector in the same screen, and we have lost the time colouring so we have to look at the time on screen and work out if it was recent enough to be worth trying for. To me the cost is too high, but thats just me.
True, but I could hover over the old spots and see the points. Today’s hover doesn’t show points. I am speaking of a PC and not my phone.
That’s not the same thing. We’re talking about it being shown for no user input, something different.
Not for me, what browser are you using?
Does ALT+Tab not work on your system?
Must be in your wrist-action then. For me hovering anywhere in the active page sows the info box.
Screenshots below, Firefox on Win10, mouse position circled in blue.
Its actually more complex, The box comes up normally for time, station and the remarks column but only on the underline position for the other columns.
Oops, sorry, I changed this as it was the last thing needing to move off old API-DB as it was hard coded in the software. It’s always been a bit held together by duct tape and wire. I’ll fix it later when I am at the airport (travelling to India for work today) (it’ll be a simple fix)
Patience, grasshopper.