Sotamaps malfunctioning?

I cannot get the range function to work on sotamaps in the last day or so. It worked fine before then on Firefox, IE 11 and Android. In the last day, all three have failed to find any summits.



Yes, Lincoln you are right. The range function isn’t working (Windows PC here). If Rob spots this he’ll no doubt get on to fixing it when he can. I’ll e-mail him, which is the recommended procedure as the SMP is operated by Rob and not the SOTA MT.

73 Phil G4OBK .

Lincoln, Phil - thanks for the heads-up. I’ve now fixed the error.

I had yesterday done some global changes to many SMP files to reflect the new URL and published them all late last night, when I was a tad too tired to focus 8-( . The range page tools file had one character out of place - I had been working on it a couple of weeks ago, and had not finished that job, so the file was published with the uncompleted work. I guess I really ought to implement some form of version control, but - hey - we’re all amateurs here, right?

Oh, and I didn’t need a GPS device to find the error…

Best regards, have fun on the hill

That was the only recommended procedure while we were all using the old reflector, since I was always concerned that comments/observations on a third-party service (the SMP) would intrude into the SOTA discussion area.

Now that we have this shiny new feature-packed Reflector, we are lucky enough to have a dedicated SOTA Mapping category where people can report on SMP issues without intruding on the serious SOTA stuff.

As before, however, the SMP Contact page is still first port of call for error/bug reports.


Glad to see that it is fixed

