SOTAGoat problems with spots

Anyone else having problems this last couple of days? I’ve tried deleting and reinstalling it (as per a previous thread on the reflector) but it’s still not working. I can’t see spots, neither can I post any.

73 Denis MW0CBC


I have seen the same. I do not believe it’s an issue with the app though (if it is, it should be raised with the app developer), as I have also seen this on the sotawatch3 site from time to time.

Strangely, each time I noticed an issue with either one or both, spots on SOTL.AS were working just fine.
Many people use SOTL.AS for spotting instead of a dedicated app. Just create a shortcut on your phone homescreen and as long as you have a mobile signal, you have a good alternative for spotting.

73, Robert


I have the same problem (several times a day the spot column is empty) in SOTAWatch3 from 2 days ago.

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I’ve been using SOTAGoat pretty much constantly since I started activating last year so it’s probably a matter of habituation rather than anything else for me :rofl:

I like the ability to set notifications so that, when I’m at home, I can get on with jobs and it will tell me if there’s a new spot. I did see the other day a comment that it’s possible to get notifications in other ways so perhaps I should investigate that.

I´ve recognised the same problems last few days.


I’ve emailed the developer. Will let folks on here know what he comes back with.

I didn’t have an issue with spots but on Saturday while trying to confirm I was in the AZ, the app repeatedly crashed when trying to open the “Tracker” page. This was only for a couple hours, then the issue seemed to have resolved itself as it is working fine again.

I’ve taken to using Goat for alerts and Sotawatch via 5G for spots because Goat has no names and SW does.

Elliott, K6EL

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There are the same problems here… the alerts come from time to time… you can also spot (it works) … but nothing is displayed in the spots

Yesterday there were occasional outages… today I used sotawatch…

73 Armin

Same problem with VK Port-a-log right now. working fine.
73 Fabio

VK port-a-log shows only “* unable to contact server *” for the last two days. Sporadically, some spots show up but mostly no contact to server…
73 de Tom, hb9evf

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Same experience here. I have posted the info also on the VK group.

I wrote to the developer and I’m posting his reply here with permission. A fix is on its way.

Hi Denis,

Thanks for the report - I am working on a fix. SOTA has been so busy lately that the app is trying to fetch too many spots from the SOTAwatch server, and the request is timing out. I am working on reducing it.

Rock WW1X

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VK port-a-log is showing the same behaviour.
New spots requests are timing out.

I am looking into this now and, given users of other apps are reporting similar issues, I suspect it is an issue beyond the individual apps.

VK port-a-log code wrangler


I think you are right about something other than the apps. Maybe a server problem.

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Around June 11, there appears to have been a very sudden increase in load on the servers (about 5x normal load) and this has been increasing steadily since until it recently tipped over the threshold of causing issues.

We will look into what exactly is driving this, but it may take some time to resolve the root cause.


SOTAGoat spots are back!
73, Alex - DH2ID

They will go up and they will go down until we work it out, so please refrain from posting one way or the other as it’ll only ever represent a single point in time.

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I’ve noticed the past two days that the RBN Hole has either worked poorly, rarely, or not at all. This has been my main way to post my spots.

SOTAWatch spots using my phone worked OK both days. Any problems were my fault, or due to intermittent cel service.


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It’ll affect anything that involves spotting. And it’ll be intermittent, during periods of high usage

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