SOTAdata down?

Can’t get in from W1 land.
Doug de W1DMH


Now up again.

THANK YOU!!! 73 de W1DMH

Probably crashed from me entering multiple years of lost summits from various logbooks, phone, scraps of paper :stuck_out_tongue:
73 Doug de W1DMH

Maybe! Probably not. In technical terms “the application pool had stopped”. So the webserver was running but not running our specific application.

I just happened to check whilst packing up for a summit or two tomorrow and saw it was down. I filed a ticket with the hosts and it was all fixed and running 12m45s later. I think that’s not bad for a Saturday night.

:stuck_out_tongue: Just kidding. Thanks, AND that is great customer support!


Hi all
this morning can’t get SOTA Database ?
Any help please

73 Éric F5JKK

Try in the interim while the elves get around to kicking the servers

Thanks Andrew
My problem, can’t load the Summits_REF.csv used for Saisie_SOTA software, maybe generated by.
(SummitCode;SummitName;AltM; LOCATOR;Points;Validfrom;Validto).
I got the summitslist.csv file. I need both.
Tks for help Andrew
73 Éric F5JKK

This isn’t a file produced by the SOTA servers, only summitslist.csv is produced by us.

The original database is back online now anyway.

Ok Andy
Will try again, many thanks for quick replay. :wink:
73 Éric F5JKK

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