SOTA Weatherbot online

SOTA Weatherbot is a free service which scans posted alerts and emails you a summit-specific forecast 24 hours before your activation time. The email also includes a link for the current National Weather Service (NWS) conditions for your summit. Forecasts are based on the NWS 2.5 x 2.5 km grid which encompasses your summit. All hams can subscribe but forecasts are only generated for CONUS, HI, and AK associations.

You can subscribe to the SOTA Weatherbot by sending an email to sotawxbot at gmail dot com with SUBSCRIBE CALLSIGN in the subject line. Substitute your actual call sign for CALLSIGN and originate the email from the same account where you would like to receive forecasts. Subscriber email addresses will never be sold or marketed in any way.

I hope you find the SOTA Weatherbot useful in planning activations. However, remember that you are responsible for your own safety. Be prepared for all possible weather conditions regardless of what any forecast may indicate.

73 - Dave / N7LKL


I have been using Dave’s service for two or three months now. I’ve found the hourly summit forecast to be very accurate for temps, winds, and sky cover. Certainly more convenient than my multiple website pre-activation investigations. Thanks Dave! Nice addition to the suite of SOTA activator tools.
de Guy N7UN/nS0TA



Thank you for the service. Was a very welcome surprise when alerting for the Diamond Head activation in HI a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately no takers, but the WX Bot email was very welcome.

Mike, N4VBV

Dave, as mentioned I like the WXbot email. Concise, easy text format. No IT background here, but would love to see a way to incorporate some basic HF space WX into the same email, like bands open/closed, etc.

Is this just for North American users?



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The WX forecasts are,

Thanks Andy I missed that.


Added NOAA estimates for 10.7 cm flux and Kp. If anyone knows how to extract MUF from the NOAA WAM-IPE data set, please contact me.

73 - Dave / N7LKL

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I’ve been subscribed to this service for a few months and love it. It’s great to quickly reference.

Thanks Dave!

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Sounds great. How does the resulting forecast compare to “Mountain Forecast” ? Are these using the same models, and same data base to create the results?

Brian N6IZ

No reply from the Mountain Weather folks, so can’t comment on their data sources. SOTA Weatherbot gets terrestrial WX forecast info from the National Weather Service API and space WX forecast info from the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Data Service.

73 - Dave / N7LKL

And Puerto Rico. Just tested a KP4 summit successfully.

73 - Dave / N7LKL