SOTA Ukraine?

After seeing the posts about the no show of the Lebanon activation, it occurred to me that I had not chased any activations from the Ukraine of late.

A quick check of my chaser log showed that the last chases were in November last year.

All of the activators come from the Crimea and activated Crimean summits on CW only.

In view of recent developments in the political situation I trust that our SOTA friends have no suffered in any way and wonder what the future status of the Crimean summits will be and even if it will be possible for them to resume SOTA activities when the political shenanigans have died down.

Best wishes for the future to our SOTA friends in the Crimea

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to G3XQE:

Hello Ken,

There have been stations worked from that part of the world today (non-SOTA)so…

Before the ‘troubles’ I had SOTA contacts on SSB - so not only CW.

Gardeners World now…so shut down 8)

Night night
Mike G6TUH

In reply to G6TUH:

Hi Mike, off topic but have you been tempted by the new “Signature Series” ??


In reply to G3XQE:
You may wish to see
Mike, EI2CL

In reply to G3XQE:

Dear friends,

Thanks for your concern about present situation in Ukraine
and Crimea! All Crimean activators are doing great, as far as I know.
In the same time it’s not quite clear the questions about call signs
we will use. Than the question about forming new Association will
take place. So please be patient, just as we try our best to be.

73! Serge / uu4jim

In reply to UU4JIM:

Thanks Serge and thanks for your call on G/SP-017 Billinge Hill this morning.

73 Mike

In reply to G3XQE:
Hello Ken, ‘Signature series’ - not at all. You have to pay 200 pa for software upgrades (unlike the 3K,5K series) for the rig plus development of the software is at baby stages. I did get a ANAN-100 from India when it was discounted but later sold it to a German station for what I paid. Reason for the sale was that the ACC port was non standard and it was a pain getting ESD proof to change jumpers on the PCB everytime you wanted to change microphone. That said the ANAN knocked spots off the Flex for receive and being OpenHPSDR software it is being improved all the time. I will give it a year for them to tweak the hardware layout and will most likely sell the Flex and get the ANAN-100.
Bye for now
Mike G6TUH

Edit PS: Ken - I was a beta tester for Flex so reluctant to leave in awhile. Shame because the recipe had been good.

In reply to UU4JIM:

Hello Serge;

Many thanks for letting us know that all is well for you and your fellow SOTA enthusiasts, I did heard you chasing this morning.

Best wishes to all there and hope that a peaceful resolution is achieved.

Mike, I will email you about the Flex comments as we are severely off topic.

73 de Ken G3XQE

In reply to G3XQE:
"Mike, I will email you about the Flex comments as we are severely off topic. "
Will check email and then…
Night night
Mike G6TUH

In reply to UU4JIM:
Priviet Sergiej!.Cześć Siergiej.
Thank you Sergey for QSo’s…for colleagues,i have abt 80km to the Ukraine border.
SP always with you Sergey!.Lezajsk(my qth)and Crimea are a good team from 2011!.
Two of my sons competed in tournaments from 2011/2012.Międzynarodowy Turniej Karate „IKO Galizia CUP" w Leżajsku - YouTube "Open Polish IKO Galizia Cup 2012" v. eng - YouTube))I’m already old timer:))in Karate from 1982.

From the Crimea were always hard guys!!.
Take care!de Robert SP8RHP.