Looking for more SOTA peeps to follow on Twitter. If interested, please follow me @eridolfi and I’ll follow back.
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Looking for more SOTA peeps to follow on Twitter. If interested, please follow me @eridolfi and I’ll follow back.
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Is that still a thing?
The birds seem to like it!
‘Tis. Many SOTA ops.
I’ve rediscovered twitter since getting into 6m, satellites and indeed SOTA. Lots of like-minded folk on there and it’s all very civilised.
Done. @mm0efi
I live tweet many of my activations - https://twitter.com/M1HAX. Look at who I follow and my SOTA Ops list for some ideas.
Instead of typing it all out here is my email signature.
Stuart, KB1HQS
Website: KB1HQS.com
Author of “Portable Operating for Amateur Radio”
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/kb1hqs/
KB1HQS Newsletter: https://www.getrevue.co/profile/KB1HQS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kb1hqs
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kb1hqs/
Flickr: KB1HQS' collections on Flickr
For anyone not on Twitter but wanting to look on there at what SOTA folk are up to (which you can do without an account) you can of course check the #SOTA hashtags, and sometimes #AmateurRadio and #HamRadio if somebody forgets the other one