Sota Tour to Saxony

Uwe DK8OA and I are known for our double activations with the aim of reaching as many S2S as possible. And for the fact that we are mostly on the same summit Bröhn DM/NS-122. Leszek and Stravos and some of you already know the ref by heart.

But there is another way. At the beginning of last week we went on a joint Sota tour to the Erzgebirge in Saxony.

1 day

The Petersberg DM/SA-033 is on the way between qth Hannover and our holiday apartment in Oberwiesenthal. There is a legend in the area that the 250m high mountain is the highest elevation on its latitude between the Harz mountains in DL and the distant Ural in R9U. That’s not entirely true, but there are actually only a few summits in this 3000km long strip.

The weather was very changeable. In the middle of the activation, a downpour fell. Luckily Uwe had found a covered bench beforehand. Me and my KX2 say thank you again for that. Uwe’s FT-817 is a little tougher. Conditions were very moderate, but just enough for an S2S with the double activators Heinrich IW3AGO and Markus IN3ENN and later with Manuel HB9DQM, which we reached a total of three times during our trip.

2 day

In advance, Bernd DL2DXA and Fred DL8DXL from the Dresden area kindly offered to accompany us in activating “their” summits. Unfortunately Fred was unable to come, but in the morning we met Bernd at the foot of Steinberg DM/SX-033.

Bernd is an active member of the „Sächsischer Berg Wettbewerb" (Saxon Mountain Competition) Founded in 1982, thus a forerunner of the Sota concept and with very simple rules. The activities mainly take place in FM on 2m/70cm and vertical polarization. And what for activities! Within what felt like 5 minutes we had dozens of contacts with chaser and many S2S. Unbelievable, I couldn’t believe my ears.

Compliments to the hard-working Saxon mountain radio operators. Perhaps Bernd’s two mascots would also help.

Of course we were also on HF and met among others Leszek SQ9MDF and Wioletta SQ9NOT in CT. The two were amazed when we gave our reference. “Not dm/ns-122…?”

The Steinberg has a covered double bench and is ideal for activations, but today we wanted to continue to the Auersberg.

The Auersberg DM/SX-002 is a comfortable mountain because the summit not only offers covered benches, but also a drive in with 10 points and an excellent restaurant. Sota paradise for some, maybe boring for others. (@ Ben GW4BML: Sota is much more comfortable in DL. Please test it again). Another huge pile up on 2m/70cm FM in the “Saxon Mountain Competition”, but things also went well on HF. Bernd enjoyed the good reports and now wants to get our tried and tested 20m long EFHW with 1:49 transformer. By the way, despite the huge radar system on the summit the qrm was tolerable.

Then there was the legendary goulash soup in the restaurant and for dessert there was a piece of plum cake. Our farewell was very cordial and Bernd extended an invitation to visit the remaining Saxon summits in the next year. You are very welcome, and thank you again for your support, Bernd!

3rd day

Today the Klinovec in the Czech Republic was on the agenda. The summit OK/KA-001 is a comfortable drive in summit with a large area and lots of radio technology. We had trouble finding a seat at first. Again Uwe has the right nose and found a lying tree trunk in the sun and suitable trees for our EFHW in the activation zone. We almost always use trees as a suspension and throw the antenna and guying into the treetops with a weight.

Before we take a seat, we asked the two if there was anything else available.

Very close by, i.e. behind the parking lot at the stone observation tower (be sure to visit) there is an amateur radio station with many, many antennas. Luckily it wasn’t working. The absolute freedom from qrm was almost unbelievable, the Czech engineers did a great job. But perhaps the OM with his station also made an active contribution.

Finally I wanted to know if I could reach the 230km repeater on the Brocken DM/SA-001 with my mobile station. One pilot tone and the relay reported 55 just as loud as at our home in Hannover from a distance of 80 km. Incidentally, the two summits have visual contact and invite you to interesting ODX attempts at 23cm and higher.

4th day

Today we went back home. Unlike Uwe, I had already visited all the summits before. But on the way to Hannover was the Kulpenberg DM/TH-067, which was new to me. Again, finding a suitable seat within the activation zone was not easy, but eventually we were comfortably seated on the wall of a small bridge. Conditions were greatly improved and within an hour we had 16 S2S. We were particularly pleased about the call from Bernd DL2DXA. He had also moved further towards home.

Afterwards we took a look at the neighboring imposing Kyffhäuser and had coffee and a decent piece of cake in the cafe.

The tour was very stimulating and confirmed once again: Sota brings joy and Sota makes friends

73 Chris and Uwe


Thanks Chris and Uwe for your great and personal report. It proves what you write at the end: having a good stimulus from what we do is key. You guys are talented in that. That is good for your „work life balance“. Enjoy!

73, Markus


Thanks for a great report Chris. The friendship and support that you encountered is wonderful. There is nothing boring about a summit with plum cake.

73, Kevin

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Thank you Chris for this amazing story.
It has been a great pleasure for me to work in saxonie.
Thanks to all stations and friends we worked from the summits.
Hope to heare you all soon from lower saxonie.
best 73’s


It was a pleasure for me to have an eye-to-eye-QSO with you and Uwe and show you some of our mountains in Saxony. Yes, amateur-radio makes frienships around the world!!
I wish you all the best with your new project for the future – to bring the “Lower Saxon Mountain Competition” on the way . . . Meet you on the bands from summits. 73 DL2DXA


Hi Chris,
Thank you for the nice report on your activation trip to OK. Thanks also for the nice pictures. On the Kulpenberg I was during the time of the pandemic and when I look at the picture of the Kyffhäuser Monument, I remember that I slept there in the car alone in the large parking place (everything was closed!).
Have fun together with you and Uwe in the future. Tnx for mni QSO. Best 73’

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Paul, oh, how nice to see the pictures of Kulpenberg and the parking lot and Kyffhäuser again.

That was a new summit for me for a long time. And the piece of cake in cafe Burghof was delicious and huge. I hope you came in.

73 Chris