I’m not sure if this is of interest to anyone but there is now
a talk group,GB SOTA 7682 on DMR TGIF(https://prime.tgif.network) and also on CQNORTH
GB SOTA 7682 (https://dmr.cqnorth.org.uk)
and ysf 7682 …
a possible contact area for anyone using DMR…
Yes it should be operational. It is a brand new talk group and has only been live a couple of days .
I was monitoring yesterday i was connected through cqnorth I’ve not tried ysf but I’ll get it checked.
When I try to connect the “GB-SOTA”, that name immediately disappears from the field and no connection occurs - unlike the others, where the name remains and (via) my radio gives give the “Openspot connected to YSF reflector” announcement.
Does this group have much traffic yet? I can connect to the FCS073 SOTA group successfully - but never hear any activity on it.
The talkgroup is brand new and we are trying
To get it known so there is not much traffic at the moment. It’s been live for 3 days .
It should also be available on Brandmeister
TG2350350 soon .
I will forward your post to the guys that are setting it up and see if i can get an answer .
It would be nice to see some traffic on it
And maybe in the future a regular net .
I understand what you are saying.
I’m not sure who or how the other talkgroups are
managed but lets not put it down just because historically a sota talkgroup has not worked very well.
Mabe they have not been publicised well.
Or mabe the sota world don’t embrace the internet based modes, I’m not sure but if those of us who are willing to give it a go create some traffic it might just catch on.
I’m sure it would be a good place for like minded people to meet with the internet based modes making it easy access for uk wide sota based chat or even world wide . And possibly hold a Net or two .
The guy’s who have taken the time to set this up and attempt to create a working group have had major success worldwide with other talk groups .
My thoughts exactly. If there is an existing one that gets little use, promote and publicise that existing one to drive traffic to it rather than set up another and start from scratch again.
We have no control of the other talkgroups,
so promoting them and making them available on multi servers is not an option , whoever set those groups up are the only people who can manage them .
This group was setup by some friends of mine
that do this sort of thing and have been very successful. I’m not sure if it will be met with resistance or embraced, but we thought it was worth the effort.
Would you join in with the group if there was sota related traffic ?
Do you think a monthly Net
Would attract a handfull of participants ?
Not sure who “manages” the use of talkgroups. People will use them if they can listen to things that they find interesting and can participate in the dicussions.
Of course everyone is free to experiment and create more rooms/channels, talk groups, etc.
For what it is worth, I have been monitoring
D-STAR reflector DCS033 - XLX033 module S, dedicated to SOTA
and FUSION C4FM: node FCS004 group 73, dedicated to SOTA
and Digital Mobile Radio: Brandmeister TalkGroup 973, dedicated to SOTA
and the Peanut SOTA room
and the two Discord SOTA servers I know of
for several years now.
The traffic has always been and remains EXTREMELY low.
I hear only a very limited group of OM’s who used D-STAR years ago but have switched to DMR, and once in a while a call that usually remains unanswered.
The multiplication of communications modes/channels obviously dilutes the QSO’s resulting in much less traffic than when fewer were available.
Should that prevent you from trying ? Definitely not.
Will it help make a common “voice meeting point” for SOTA enthusiasts ? I would not bet on that.
I wish you luck Colin. The difficulty is attracting participants (chicken and egg - people give up if the forum seems dead), then maintaining interest. There are such varied tastes - some like a rag chew, some nets seem to devolve into a discussion of ailments, some into technical….
I like the sound of a dedicated SOTA room, but have to admit that I’m not very good at regular chat nets, so wouldn’t commit to being a regular
Thanks Andy
It will be a challenge I’ve no doubt, but if we don’t
Experiment and give ourselves these challenges
We will never achieve anything.
And after all is said and done Failure is always an option…lol
There will be a NET live on the GB-SOTA talkgroup on Friday 27th January 19:30z and possibly monthly Nets there after.
Please feel free to connect by whatever mode is available to you and either join in or just have a listen .
Peanut is an app for your phone which is free to use.
There will be some themed nets and some may be more of a rag chew.
We look forward to hearing you on GB-SOTA talkgroup.
Access is on:-
CQ-North DMR TG 7682
Brandmeister TG 2350350
Peanut (GB) YSF-Sota
Hi Tom
I’ll get the guys to look again tomorrow
we can connect to YSF GB-SOTA on a pi-star no problem
up to now we don’t have an open spot to test it .
Have you done an update on the open spot recently.
that’s something that was mentioned .
I will try to get some more information .
Hi Tom
Thanks for being patient and helping point out the issue.
OK… The Openspot issue is fixed… Openspot users please do an update on your openspot and it will work.
note that the “host name” is :-
Any problems , please let us know .
I’m not the gooroo but i know the guys that are.
I’m sure you will meet them soon enough.
I know there’s not much traffic at the moment but i think the NET may create some interest and it would be great if some of the experienced members of the group turn up ,
it will be great to learn from them , yourself included .
I’ve been involved with sota for a couple of years so I am new to it but last year had an accident that slowed me down a lot. But I’m looking forward to getting back into it this year.