SOTA SWL section

The latest SOTA SWL table has been compiled and is available from:

Belgian SWL Peter ONL5923 continues to make rapid progress and is closing in on the “top 3”.

SWL logs of SOTA activations are always welcome.

Maybe being surrounded by SOTA countries has its advantages :)? Except for PA that is ( even flatter than Belgium ).

The SOTA SWL Honour Roll has been updated, with another comprehensive log from runaway leader Roger G4OWG. The link to the table is in the first post above.

The latest SOTA SWL table has been compiled and is available from:

SWL logs should be sent directly to me at:

…and not entered in the Chaser section of the Database!

Congratulations to Peter - SWL ONL5923 - who has gone through the 1000 points threshold and is therefore ‘SWL Shack Sloth’!

The SOTA SWL Honour Roll will be updated shortly.

Tom - SWL G-20843

In reply :

Congratulations Peter in achieving Shack Slothdom in SWL mode.
You join a very exclusive group - just you and me :slight_smile:

Roger G4OWG

Thanks Roger, how cosy :).

Most of my points are picked up on 60m.

Maybe others should join in for those stations they could hear but were not able to work for some misterious reason hihi.


Not quite Roger. Ian G7ADF has made it there as well; he just hasn’t sent me his updated log yet. There are three SWL Shack Sloths.

There may even be more. I have heard that some SWLs in Germany have entered using the chaser entry facility on the database. I’m not sure how to check between which callsigns are lower level German amateur radio licences and which are SWL identifiers, so I haven’t really looked into this.

If there are more SOTA SWLs out there, it would be good to get them all into the one table.

The only SWL calls in Germany that look like “real” callsigns start with DE…, Tom, for example DE1ABC. Where the “E” stands for “empfang” or receive. You will also see DL-12345 SWL calls but these are not so common anymore. To get an DE SWL callsign you have to do a kind of test but it still remains an SWL call.


In reply to M1EYP:

Not quite Roger. Ian G7ADF has made it there as well; he just hasn’t
sent me his updated log yet. There are three SWL Shack Sloths.

No quite indeed. There are still only 2. I am stuck on 991 points. I have no HF at home at the moment as I havent had the time to build and erect a new antenna. I’m left with scraps on 2m FM and SSB. Without DSP and EYP on Hope and Cloud, I would still be some way off :slight_smile:

I’ll post the log as soon as I break the 1000.


In reply to M1EYP:
“I’m not sure how to check between which callsigns are lower level German amateur radio licences and which are SWL identifiers, so I haven’t really
looked into this.”

I have checked the “all associations” database for you Tom. There was a DE callsign a couple of weeks ago, but isn’t there anymore. As far as I know there are no SWL callsigns in the database now. Pity the “DE” didn’t transfer to the SWL database


Martin, SWL DE0MSD, has deleted his SWL log from the chaser database and sent it to me for the SWL table. I will update shortly.

Ahh Good on him.

Martin is a keen SWL-er.


The newly updated SOTA SWL table is at:

Congratulations to Peter ONL5923 who joins Roger as ‘SWL Shack Sloth’ and welcome to SWL Martin DE0MSD who joins the table with a very impressive SWL log of SOTA stations.

SWL logs are always welcome for the SWL tables and honour roll. We have regular entries from licensed amateurs, SWLing on bands for which they cannot transmit, or to stations they could hear but couldn’t contact, or where they have simply chosen to SWL rather than QSO! We also have entries from dedicated SWLs.

Thank you Tom,

At first I was only interested in the SWL side of SOTA but after the first QSO with “INKY” (thanks Steve :slight_smile: !) I was sold.

I must admit it also helps me to improve my CW and that only be a good thing, right?


Its a tough choice today.

Do I try to get my last 8 SWL points for the 1000, or do I read Harry Potter?

Tommorow is hopefully 2m contest day so little chance of getting either of the above done.

Also have distractions of Golf and Grand Prix. I really think there needs to be some serious discussions of how all these things are scheduled :slight_smile:


Congratulations to Ian, SWL BRS188236, who has just become the 3rd ever SWL Shack Sloth.

Ian reached the 1000 SWL points when eavesdropping on Jimmy M3EYP’s activation of Billinge Hill G/SP-017 this last Saturday.

Ian has reached 128 Unique SOTA summits heard in his SWL log, which covers about 2.5 years of SOTA SWLing.

The SOTA SWL Honour Roll, and a log sheet for new participants is here:

73, Tom G-20843 / BRS180710

In reply to M1EYP:

Thanks Tom. The SWL section is under-rated and a very rewarding part of SOTA. Originally I started collecting either those I couldnt work due to being mobile ( I dont transmit when mobile) or HF (especialy 5Mhz where I didnt feel I would benefit the experiment by having an NOV).

Laterly, it took over from “proper” chasing as the 1000 points loomed. As a licensed listener the temptation is to transmit but I managed to hold off on most occaisions (except the odd one or two Tom :slight_smile: ). Having said that if I thought an activator might struggle for their 4 and I was in a position to help out then I would (Billinge hill is one example).

Its well worth a try and probably a good way of practising CW reading without having to transmit.


Thanks Tom. The SWL section is under-rated and a very rewarding part
of SOTA.


Its well worth a try and probably a good way of practising CW reading
without having to transmit.

True again, Ian




The newly updated SWL table is in here:

Congratulations to Roger who has recently passed through the 2,500 points threshold.
