SOTA Summit Paddles

Rooster & Peanut have been complaining about my sloppy fist and use of commercial paddles. So Peanut goat got busy in the wood shop and produced a paddle worthy of summit activations with some dead-wood collected from recent summit activations. (Good work Peanut Goat for not eating it!) My code is now goat inspired and improving with every activation! …woohoo!)

Video tells the story! Although no joy on first several CQs from woodshop? …so waiting for next activation!

Us Goats hope to work you soon with goat our made SOTApaddle! …72, Steve/wGOAT

In reply to WG0AT:
Love it!


Road to top of Pikes Peak is OPEN today! yea! “SOTApaddles” Maiden Voyage!
Planning to be on top around noon to 1PM MDT will be using KX3/loop/SOTApaddles. Weather is always a factor Today’s high winds from a front blowing in for the weekend are going to be a challenge. So Alexloop will be antenna du jour! Look for a blaze orange jacket OP on the deck with loop antenna via this webcam:
Also track via APRS:

In reply to WG0AT:
Thats pretty cool I’ll watch ya when I’ll send with my czeck straight key :wink:

In reply to WG0AT:
Think i can see an orange jacket on the deck, cant see the rest of the team (rooster & peanut).

In reply to LA5XTA:
Yes …when we I heard about the high winds I decided to leave the ‘boys’ in the barn or I may been witness to flying goats? They will follow me to above timber line but much rather be at lower elevations where there’s green stuff to nibble on. Unlike their cousins the Mtn Goats

73, Steve wGOAT

In reply to WG0AT:
Hi Steve,

That’s a great idea; very innovative, practical and the best bits - simple and cheap! Well done.

I have been using the same type of on-off-on biassed off miniature toggle switch for many years now - well before SOTA. Only the RS 317 033 has the right feel.

(The one pictured here is an on/off version.)

See photos of mic`s on rigs on this page: Summits on the Air

I fit them in the hand microphones. I have them in both my FT817 and IC706 plus other home-brew QRP rigs. They are wired into the up/dn buttons PCB; you then need to select CW from the up/down buttons.

You don’t need to carry a key at all so you can never find you’ve forgotten it on arrival at the summit. There are just two problems. I can`t get hold of them anymore. The last one I bought was at Blackpool Radio Rally 2007. Secondly, I cannot now send CW on anything else!

Wish I could find a couple more,
All the best,

In reply to WG0AT:

Great and easy !! And cheap :slight_smile:

hpe 2 work u goats one day :slight_smile:

73 on6uu

For those interested in small paddles, i’ve got some which i can part from, see my page

In reply to ON6UU:

For those interested in small paddles, i’ve got some which i can part
from, see my page

I think that should be (note the extra s)

Colin G8TMV

In reply to G8TMV:

I think that should be (note the extra s)

Or may even


In reply to MM0FMF:

Not me, it’s the site, I put a space between the URL and the comment which should have stopped the link highlight


In reply to G8TMV:
Ok here some field results with my SOTA paddles:

A Windy Activation for Summits on the Air - ref# W0/FR-004 - YouTube

73, Steve wGOAT

In reply to WG0AT:
Nice video Steve (as usual) although I prefer the ones with Peanut and Rooster:-)

Good to hear K6ILM/S2S call in. It’s always music to the ears that S2S!
