Unfortunately, 10m wasn’t very lively here (UTC-8) after New Year’s. But for the rollover activation, I jumped on 20m with a straight key. It’s been a long time since I’ve used a straight key for a SOTA activation. After learning about the delightful PB213 key from G0NVT (on this reflector) and using that at home recently, I really wanted to try activating with a straight key again. I figured the SOTA UTC New Year rollover would be a good time as it rolls over into the ARRL’s SKN event. Worked a decent amount of stations, so apparently my straight key sending didn’t scare off any chasers. Maybe sending “CQ SOTA SKN” helped as well?



Once, during equipment failure, I keyed caveman style… touching two wires together. Saved the activation. After that, I started carrying KK5PY & NØSA mini keys to back up a Palm Paddle.

Elliott, K6EL


Nice! Makes me think of a Mission Impossible (the old one) kind of scenario.

As far as paddles, I follow the prepper advice: two is one and one is none.


Hah, nice. I had a scheduled QSO once with N6IZW to try out our 10 GHz fox hunt gear that we did for maker faire for a 2 way QSO. Heard him as soon as I turned on my RX even before pointing it. I found out later that he didn’t have a key and did exactly that: touching a pair of wires together. :slight_smile: