SOTA Reflector/Forum

What do people think of the current SOTA forum?
Is there a will and a way to bring the SOTA “Reflector” into the 21st Century?

I don’t know about others, but I find the interface just a tad dated and severely lacking in functionality!

I’m a big forum user and coming from forums using phpBB, vBuilletin, SMF, MyBBS etc., really shows up the shortfalls of the current offering.

The “latest posts” on the SOTAwatch home page are great, but they quickly fall off the view. Once gone I’ll probably not notice them and miss some genuinely interesting threads.

Searching the archives is like looking for a needle in a haystack, the search functionality is sadly lacking.

My wish would be to see the following functionality:
A forum firstly broken into individual discussion categories/sub categories, e.g.
Off topic etc.

Ability to follow and subscribe to posts, mark all read, see new, see active topics etc.
Ability to post rich text, embedded pictures/videos etc.
A powerful Search facility using standard BB operators, + - * | etc with ability to search in categories, subject line, author, time banded etc. etc.

All these are functions that are the norm and readily available “off the shelf”.

There already seems to be some formatting being applied to text yet I don’t know how or why it’s happening.
It’s a right pain when viewing on a mobile device as you end up with threads with a minuscule font, which my old eyes struggle with (and lots of pinch zooming required).

Example here: (sorry can’t embed photos)

So what’s the general consensus, don’t change what’s broken :-? or enhance the user experience?

I know none of this is free in time or money, but as I’ve said before I’d be willing to pay to participate in the SOTA programme.
(I’d post the link to the post but it’s impossible to find using the search facility :-))


In reply to G4ISJ:

Pete, as you might expect, the MT are ahead of you in this! For some weeks now we have been test running just such a reflector.


Brian G8ADD

In reply to G4ISJ:

Which Android browser is that? I use the stock browser on my super cheap Huawei phone (Android ICS) and it doesn’t do that to the text. Likewise the font stays fixed size on Firefox on Android on the Nexus 7 (Android KitKat).

A point for you to consider… not everyone uses the latest shiny-shiny. So anything we use has to be functional on the old windup computers some people will use to the latest state of the art machines. Even with XP dieing in April, we will still have to support it for some time till people upgrade to something newer.


In reply to G8ADD:

Pete, as you might expect, the MT are ahead of you in this! For some
weeks now we have been test running just such a reflector.
Just think, Pete, the test run of the new reflector is only a bit behind the test run of the FAQ section.

Elliott, K6EL

In reply to MM0FMF:

OK it looks like the MT have things fully under control.
They are (as usual) one step ahead of me!

Which Android browser is that? I use the stock browser on my super
cheap Huawei phone

Andy, I use Chrome on my phone (helps keep my bookmarks etc in synch)

I tried both the stock browser and Firefox and both do render the forum posts correctly, so it looks like an issue with the mobile Chrome browser.

Checking the source, it looks like it’s occasionally ignoring the to close off the which is in the smaller font.
Saying that, the background colour is OK!

I’ve know idea why!
