SOTA online presentation

I made a presentation to explain the SOTA “award scheme” and the related activities.

Having used it a few times now, I made it available on my website for what it is worth. Feel free to use it if you wish.

This presentation uses HTML5 features and visual effects that are only supported by the most capable browsers, like Google Chrome.

Use the SpaceBar (and shift-SpaceBar) to browse through the slides.

Please do not hesitate to send me suggestions or feed-back. I’ll take them in consideration as soon as possible.


In reply to ON6ZQ:
This is a MUST READ one Christophe.
Congratulations and TNX for your effort.
73 Viktor

In reply to ON6ZQ:
Very nice, I’m delighted to find one of my photos included in the first slideshow.
The S option for speaker’s notes did not reveal any additional content. You have perhaps not included those notes in the online version? Or did I not look far enough?
Andrew VK1DA/2UH

In reply to ON6ZQ:

Hello Christophe
Congratulations on your presentation; a very nice design and quite useful. It’s built with complete information.

Delighted to see some of my pics and work is present there too…

Thanks a lot for sharing, it’s a good one for presentation in our clubs and to introduce to newcomers.
Keep on doing so well, vy 73

Ignacio EA2BD

For those using the on-line presentation, I just updated all the links to the new reflector and the new

Comments and suggestions are always welcome to improve the presentation.

Christophe, ON6ZQ

Is anyone interested and available to deliver a SOTA talk at the Swindon ARC? I’ve had an enquiry, but it is a bit out of my own radius! Of course any volunteer speaker could use the resources provided by Christophe, or any of those I have prepared (which can be found on the Prezi website).