SOTA on Norfolk Is. VK9NT

Reposting here.

News from their their official website:

Update: 2nd May 2013
The VK9NT team received notification today (2 May) from the SOTA Management Team that VK9 (External Territories) for Norfolk Island have been approved. We will have an Elecraft KX-3 radio and plan on activating at least one of the summits on Norfolk Island during our DXpedition. If you are chasing SOTA then listen for us from Norfolk Island between 3-13 May 2013. We will provide more info via this web site and also the soatwatch website once we are on the island. Individual team callsigns will also be used for the SOTA activation so keep your ears peeled for any VK portable 9 operations. QSL ONLY via home calls for any SOTA contacts. Please listen to operator instructions.
We look forward to working you from Norfolk Island, and especially those chasing SOTA.
73, Chris (VK3QB)

In reply to OH3T:
This is fantastic news for SOTA Chris - we will be looking for you. It is very unusual for such a rare DX location to become available to SOTA Chasers.

Good luck with your DXpedition and stay safe.

I note that the MT have been busy and that the VK9/NO group of two summits is already listed as an association area on the website.

Phil G4OBK

In reply to G4OBK:

We’re suffering from the lack of Roy who was inconsiderate enough to go on vacation when the news was due! :slight_smile:

VK9 is a new association, there have been some updates elsewhere, all the info is in Roy’s news due on Monday.

VK9 was pushed through a little quicker once we became aware a DXpedition was due there imminently.

It is very unusual for such a rare DX location to become available to SOTA >Chasers.

There are loads of DX locations that have P150 summits on them. Tens if not hundreds of islands in the Carribbean qualify never mind many island locations in the Atlantic/Pacific/Indian Ocean. It needs someone to produce the summit list. You don’t even need a full list to start, just enough to make it worthwhile with enough forward planning that the association can be easily extended to include all summits at a later date.
