The oblong is a very effectiv lightweight antenna. It is one of my favorites - mainly because there is the possibility to attach a vertical shortwave antenna to the pole. It is totally underrated.
Since I become a ham (more then 40 years ago) I’m faszinated of 2m SSB.
I wanted to be able to activate HF and VHF in SSB without hauling heavy equipment and constantly rebuilding the antenna.
My rig is a KX2 and with an upgrade of far less than 100 euros, I can also activate 2m.
The Ukrainian transverter gets an input of 1.5 watts via its attenuation board from the KX2. So it has an output of 8 watts into the antenna.
The antenna is an easy to build DK7ZB quadruple oblong . It is…
Nice to see, that you like it too.
73 Armin