SOTA net Friday 19:30z

Great to have you there Mike , thanks for turning up.
Bruce is so experienced with the nets, they just work so well . I can’t wait for the next one, all about antennas .
And Gareth is in the background doing the techi stuff , absolutly amaizing Gareth.


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I tried to log in with the Peanut app, saw M0WCW join, heard some noise, then nothing. I waited for a bit, but didn’t hear anything further and thought the problem was on my end (was out walking in a park and had a weakish signal), so I bailed. I’ll try again next month. :slight_smile:


Apologies, I fully intended joining this one, but the timing of out family evening meal did not cooperate! Maybe next time?

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Great net. I have learnt a lot. Thank you to all who participated. I will try to join next time as well.

Tomasz, M7TKL

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