Love it! SO TRUE!
Great idea! And so true.
Romain is it your creative work?
Am I free to share it in our SOTA Whatapp group?
73 Joe
Yes, I am the culprit. Go ahead, memes are meant to be shared!
Romain - mastership & fame
Kradnę i publikuję gdzie się da
73, Jarek
I had to laugh, as that is so true.
I’m doing a SOTA presentation for my local radio club, when we eventually meet again, so if you don’t mind I will include it.
Brilliant and so true!
Love it!
73, Ludwig
This one got quite popular as well on the Facebook group - I posted it there a few days ago
Gateway drug to CW, huh? Yep, worked for me …
Plenty of SOTA SSTV potential in this thread
. . . and I had used once this more generic or philosophic saying for a lecture show:
SOTA – about the art of giving meaning to accumulated rock.
taken from German “SOTA – von der Kunst, angehäuftem Gestein eine Bedeutung zu geben.”
I still enjoy this essence, hi.
73, Markus HB9DIZ