SOTA Mapping - Track drawing mode


Could another activator familiar with the SMP Track Drawing Mode check to see if it is working please. I’ve used it before for planning with a degree of succss, but cannot get the function to save a drawn track now. I get these warning statements coming up in a window when I try to save the drawn track. Maybe I am doing something wrong? See Pic

73 Phil

Never used the track drawing mode before but here is the error message i get:

So i guess this is a topic for @VK3ARR

Thanks for checking the track drawing function out Martin - same result as I. I’m sure Andrew will take a look at it when he gets chance.

73 Phil

If possible the captcha could be removed when a user is logged in.
I noticed it in the

  • Draw track
  • Upload track
  • Edit track text
  • Delete track


And another one for the buglist:
SMP activations page:
A deleted activation is still showing up.
I deleted it and reuploaded with the error corrected.

My HB0 activation is in the list twice:
I guess the query should ignore deleted activations?

Thanks Andrew

73 Joe

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I never knew it was there, but on my computer it is working.


The deleted activations is an artifact of the sync process between the actual DB and SMPs version of it, which is something of a hack.

I’ll take a look at the error message later

Thanks Steve. I later discovered that the attempts I made to save drawn tracks were actually saved, and showed up in the latest 100 tracks as are the test drawn tracks by Martin OE5REO. So they were saved despite the error messages appearing. In my case around 8 of them, so I have now deleted them all bar one. This means that drawing tracks still works, and drawn tracks get saved, its just the disturbing error message one gets when the function is used that is the problem.

73 Phil

Thanks Phil for the info … i also deleted these test-tracks now!

73 Martin

These issues have been fixed.

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Thank you very much - working great now is the track drawing facility.

73 Phil