SOTA lunch in Northern California, Oct 19

The twelfth annual SOTA lunch (private) will be held at the San Ramon Marriott, 2600 Bishop Road, San Ramon, CA, at noon on Saturday, October 19, 2024, during Pacificon. We will be on the South patio outside the Bishop Grill, the only restaurant, as before. Access to the patio can be had by going through the restaurant or by walking to the extreme South end of the side parking lot. There is a burger and hotdog stand just outside the front door leading into the lobby, and they recommend you buy something there before noon, when the line gets long. Cash only. I’m bringing a few sandwiches for those who indicate at the time of RSVP that they are not into burgers and dogs. I’ve also arranged for beverages near the table. You must be a registered SOTA chaser or activator to attend, but you do not have to pay for Pacificon if you are not attending any forum presentations. Wear a name/call badge. As always, we will be joined by an Elecraft founder with show & tell. Who wants to come? RSVP to

On the forum schedule are Sota types AB6D, AA6XA and WA6HHQ. Here’s the line-up:

Pacificon 2024 - Schedule-Forums

Elliott, K6EL

Sota MT

80x80 ## Pacificon 2024 - Schedule-Forums

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So far, attendees are AA6XA, AI6XG, N3TET, N6KR, N6NKT, N6QP, N6RUN, NK6A, N7CQR, NS1TA, K3GX, K5TFL, K6EL, K6TOR, K6YK, KE6MT, KN6WQS, KO6CRD, W6CMS, W6JP, WC6J, W7CBR, W7DLZ, W7SKH

Who else? RSVP to

Elliott, K6EL
Sota MT