SOTA LD Weekend - High Street Activation

For my SOTA LD Weekend effort I made the trek up High Street G/LD-011
from Hartsop. I took my IC-705, 4200 mAH LifePo4 for 10w, Chameleon MPAS2 and Yaesu FT1XD handheld.

With the chance of Australia this morning, and knowing a lot of the OE SOTA Day Alerts were for 0800 UTC I started my ascent at 0530 UTC.

Beautiful Dawn Colours

Sunrise on Gray Crag

You follow a farmers track up to the Hayswater Tarn on the right hand side, then cross Hayswater Gill via the bridge for the steep ascent up to the Knott. By the time you hit the ridgeline you’re at 740m and the worst is over with. With generally excellent footing and paths this is an easy 8 pointer. After the Knott you have a short descent then the trudge up to the summit.

Early Morning Panorama of the Helvelly Range from near the Knott

Everyone commented on the excellent air clarity today, initial temperture on the higher summit was close to freezing with some frost in sheltered places. Air pressure was up which helped VHF. North Wales was clearly visible, which is fairly rare.

View towards Penrith

Rest Dodd

Looking towards High Street

View down Riggindale to Haweswater Reservoir

It is still on my list to ascend from Haweswater via the either ridgeline in the above photo.

Final Ascent

Long Stile

Summit Benchmark

One of the reasons for choosing High Street today is the long North-South wall that provides excellent protection from predominantly Westerly winds. To attempt to reduce the need for phone dancing I continued past the benchmark for about 100 metres with a view to the South and setup on the Easterly side of the wall. This afforded excellent protection and as the sun rose Factor 50 was applied and it was an excellent operating position with layers shed during the day.

Shelted Operating Position

Just as I arrived I got a S2S with Matthew @M0MZB who was on High Raise G/LD-019. Geoff was driving down to the Lake District and provided a unique challenge to logging sofware, being @GM4WHA at the start of the QSO and G4WHA at the end!

Early doors, thanks to Mike’s @2E0YYY excellent propagation knowledge, saw the best DX with three VK operators calling in to my spot on 20m. Pretty tidy for 10w. I could hear Andrew @VK1AD from his SOTA location VK1/AC-043 but there was big splatter very close and I was unable to work him.

Sunbathing Butterfly

View towards Red Screes

Obviously lots of LD S2S were had and a good deal into Europe. There was an issue with the Chameleon (possibly down to the top section working slightly loose in the wind) that saw 40m and 60m with high SWR and few contacts which was a shame. I should have investigated the high SWR by fault finding!

Having seen the spot on 10m by Karl G1VQN who was activating Birks Fell G/NP-031 I switched to 10m and worked him. Whilst listening around 10m there was clearly some DX with a Brazilian station calling and then India VU2XO. I tried in vain (possibly my antenna was now compromised) but I did record Karl work him so congratulations on the SOTA DX Karl. Only a little jealous as I’ve yet to be able to tick India as a DXCC.

Alex @G7KSE made the trek to High Street having activated Red Screes G/LD-017 and Stony Cove Pike G/LD-018 on the way and we spent an hour chatting and doing very little radio, great to meet him in person.

Alex G7KSE operating VHF from behind the wall

All together a wonderful days radio from one of my favourite LD summits. Not only was it difficult to find a 2m frequency at times but 20m was also looking full at times with massive groundwave signals from several LD activators! Thanks to everyone who made the effort in LD land, those who braved the rain in OE land and all the other contacts.

Totals were 85 contacts, 51 S2S, of those 23 were G/LD.

07:04 M0MZB/P 2m FM 59 59 Matthew SOTA G/LD-019
07:06 GM4WHA/M 2m FM 59 59 GEOFF
07:45 M5TUE/P 2m FM 59 59 Nigel SOTA G/LD-046
07:47 OE5HDN 20m SSB 59 55 Heinz-Dieter
07:47 OH3GZ 20m SSB 59 59 JUKKA
07:48 GW4TQE/P 20m SSB 53 42 JG SOTA GW/NW-043
07:49 SQ9JTR/P 20m SSB 55 55 Łukasz SOTA SP/BZ-045
07:50 EA2DT 20m SSB 59 57 Manuel
07:50 IK2LEY/P 20m SSB 59 59 FABIO SOTA I/PM-218
07:51 F4WBN 20m SSB 59 59 Christian
07:51 OH1MM 20m SSB 59 59 Pasi
07:51 DG0JMB 20m SSB 59 44 Joerg
07:52 SQ9MDF/P 20m SSB 55 55 Leszek SOTA SP/WS-003
07:52 EA3EVL 20m SSB 55 55 PABLO
07:53 OE6RCD 20m SSB 59 55 ROLAND
07:53 VK5PAS 20m SSB 59 55 Paul
07:55 VK1MA 20m SSB 59 32 Matt
07:57 IW3AGO 20m SSB 51 44 HEINRICH SOTA I/TN-184
07:57 VK5MAZ 20m SSB 59 55 Marija
07:59 OE/SP9MA/P 20m SSB 59 59 Jarek SOTA OE/OO-298
07:59 EA1DHB 20m SSB 59 57 Ricardo
07:59 IN3ADF 20m SSB 59 58 Markus
08:00 SQ9BQW/P 20m SSB 59 58 Wojciech SOTA SP/BZ-068
08:11 G7KSE/P 2m FM 59 59 Alex SOTA G/LD-017
08:24 DC5BK 20m SSB 59 55 Benjamin
08:24 OH1XT 20m SSB 59 59 JARI
08:25 DL8DXL 20m SSB 59 57 Fred
08:25 F5PLR 20m SSB 59 59 Didier
08:26 EA2GM/P 20m SSB 59 59 Javier SOTA EA1/AT-084
08:26 OE6GND 20m SSB 59 59 GERHARD
08:27 EA6/M0DLL 20m SSB 59 53
08:28 DL2DXA 20m SSB 59 57 Bernd
08:28 EA1AAP 20m SSB 59 55 Fernando
08:28 SM5LNE 20m SSB 59 57 Jan
08:30 HB175RAIL 20m SSB 59 55 c/o SOTA HB/LU-029
08:37 G0RQL 40m SSB 59 59 DON
08:39 MW0SAW/P 40m SSB 51 51 Steve
08:41 EA2CCG/P 20m SSB 59 55 Joaquín SOTA EA2/SS-047
08:54 F/G4OBK/P 40m CW 559 559 Philip SOTA FL/NO-078
08:56 LZ/SV2RUJ/P 20m SSB 55 55 Stavros SOTA LZ/RO-003
08:57 G6AEK 2m FM 59 54 David
09:00 MQ0JKS/P 2m FM 59 59 David SOTA G/LD-001
09:01 G1OHH 2m FM 59 59 Susan
09:02 G7CDA 2m FM 57 55 Douggie
09:05 G3TQQ/P 2m FM 55 57 J
09:19 GQ0WPO/P 2m FM 59 59 Neil SOTA G/LD-008
09:14 M7BIA/P 2m FM 59 59 Martin SOTA G/LD-018
09:23 OE5REO/P 2m FM 55 42 Martin SOTA OE/OO-415
09:33 G4IVV/P 20m CW 599 599 Jonathan SOTA G/LD-021
09:35 GQ6PJZ 2m FM 59 59 Andy SOTA G/LD-003
09:36 G4VPX/P 2m FM 59 59 ALLAN SOTA G/LD-043
09:39 G1ZAR/P 2m FM 59 59 SG SOTA G/LD-004
09:44 CT2IQK/P 20m SSB 53 54 Jorge SOTA CT/MN-030
10:01 GW4TQE/P 2m FM 57 57 JG SOTA GW/NW-043
10:09 CT2HOV/P 20m SSB 59 55 Nuno SOTA CT/MN-031
10:11 EC2AG/P 20m SSB 59 57 ANTONIO SOTA EA2/BI-046
10:14 M0VPM/P 20m SSB 59 59 Alan SOTA G/LD-020
10:24 M1BUU/P 2m FM 59 59 COLIN SOTA G/LD-007
10:28 OE/OM1ALT/P 20m SSB 55 55 Michal SOTA OE/OO-446
10:32 I/DG4SFF/P 20m SSB 55 55 Susanne SOTA I/LO-445
10:37 OE3IAK/P 30m CW 339 519 Andreas SOTA OE/NO-096
10:40 OE6TTF/P 17m SSB 57 41 Eric SOTA OE/ST-285
10:48 2E0LDF/P 2m FM 58 58 SOTA G/LD-015
10:49 G4WHA/P 2m FM 58 58 G SOTA G/LD-015
11:04 MM7SWM/P 2m FM 57 55 Stuart SOTA GM/SS-064
11:17 M7MCG/P 2m FM 55 56 Micah SOTA G/NP-009
11:22 G7LFC/P 2m FM 57 58 Derek SOTA G/LD-049
11:24 EA2GM/P 20m SSB 57 59 Javier SOTA EA1/AT-084
11:24 SP6BOW 20m SSB 59 59 AUGUSTYN
11:25 DL2DXA 20m SSB 59 57 Bernd
11:32 F4IVI/P 20m SSB 57 56 Jerome SOTA F/AM-361
11:47 G8CPZ/P 2m FM 59 59 AJ SOTA G/LD-056
12:02 G6WSB/P 2m FM 59 59 SOTA G/LD-017
12:07 G1VQN/P 10m SSB 55 41 Karl SOTA G/NP-031
12:57 MQ0RWX/P 2m FM 59 59 SOTA G/LD-050
12:21 M7KAZ/P 2m FM 59 59 Karen SOTA G/LD-052
13:22 M0TRI/P 2m FM 59 59 Andrew SOTA G/LD-052
13:29 EA3EVL 20m SSB 59 55 PABLO
13:29 HB9BHU/P 20m SSB 57 55 Friedrich SOTA HB/LU-022
13:30 HA7WA 20m SSB 59 57 Viktor
13:31 OK1SDE 20m SSB 59 44 Dalibor
13:31 G3TQQ/P 20m SSB 59 59 J SOTA G/LD-046
13:36 EA2CW/P 20m CW 559 599 Mikel SOTA EA1/CT-102
13:41 G0EVV/P 30m CW 599 599 DI SOTA G/LD-017
13:44 G4IPB/P 40m SSB 59 44 PJ SOTA G/LD-014

Hayeswater Tarn on the Descent

Possibly the nicest path in the Lake District?

Hayeswater Gill Upstream from the Bridge

Hayeswater Gill Downstream from the Bridge

Nearly forgot the Mandatory Lake District Sheep Photo!

LD Activators - Red Screes G/LD-017 being a popular summit today!

LD Contacts

European Contacts

VK Contacts

All photos here.


Wow… what fab photos… that route & setting is amazing! Plus, congrats on the VKs.

73, Lea M0XPO


The High Street wall was where all the cool kids were. Great to meet you yesterday and thanks for the chat. Shame we couldn’t carry on in the pub.

Lovely to meet all the other sota-ists and see everyone else’s set up’s as well. A massive success all round I’d say. Thanks for setting up Mark and here’s to the next one.


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Fabulous looking adventure, Mark @M0NOM, and love your snaps of the early morning LD vistas.

When do you think you’ll have dates for 2023 G/LD as I’d love to come again!!


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Thanks for the interesting report Mark and the S2S QSO. Please correct my callsign, although you probably noticed the typo already. I came down on your route up High Street the other week with 12 other members of my walking club.

73 Phil F/G4OBK/P

Great event and great country - glad here to have you and others in my log on Saturday.

Vy 73 de Markus, HB9DIZ (aka HB175RAIL then)

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Apologies Phil, all sorted now. Thanks for pulling me out of your pile up!

Cheers Mark

Thanks Mark for your report with great photos :+1:

Geoff vk3sq

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Great report Mark, @M0NOM and thanks for organising the event. It was great to meet you and many other activators on Saturday evening.

FWIW, you may not have copied my callsign correctly from the log: M(Q)0RWX/P from G/LD-050 @ 12:57.

73, Robert

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Hi Robert

That’s corrected in the report,, Clublog and will be in the SOTA database when it comes online again. Part of the reason for posting a full list is to have the opportunity to get callsigns corrected, as much as a PITA it can be to do so all over the place!

Speak soon from another summit, lovely to meet you and your wife on Saturday.

Cheers, Mark.


Great reports - brilliant set of S2S!

How do you create these? I’ve seen other sites that pick up station locations from fixed locations via things like, but I haven’t seen ones that pick up S2S contacts.

Hi Gerald.

This is my ADIF Processor. You either submit an ADIF file or a SOTA CSV file to the upload form and click submit - don’t worry about anything else if you are doing SOTA.

The resulting KML file can be loaded into Google Earth as a Project file and then you can explore the contacts. Each callsign can be clicked for info on the station, and each contact line can be clicked to show details of the contact.

I’m planning a series of 2 minute videos to talk folk through using it.

Regards, Mark


Thank you!