SOTA friends net on Peanut - 0900z Monday 20th April

Here is a non-expiring Discord invitation. We can invalidate it at any time, so it is safe to publish here.


Thanks Wunder.

Are you going to organise a schedule for a SOTA get-together on there similar to what we have on Peanut? I would certainly try to join in and see how the system compares. Iā€™ve only really got time to focus on the organisation of one facility for now though, as Iā€™m suddenly very busy with work again after a quiet period.

Do let us know on here when it will be if you do.

Meanwhile, I look forward to chatting with SOTA friends tomorrow (Monday) morning @ 0900z on Peanut.

Sadly we have the quick daily ā€œAgile Stand Upā€ meeting then. Though someone needs to review the Agile playbook because a stand up meeting is done ā€œstanding upā€ so it doesnā€™t drag on and on and on. We all sit down for our short meeting so nobody gets sore feet :frowning: Now with lockdown etc. we combine the awesomeness of a quick meeting that takes so long you feel you you have advanced well towards retirement with the second greatest productivity sink in my life, MS Teams.


Just thinking about this has set me of in search of a drink.

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My first thought was just after the Peanut sked, but 0900Z is 0200 Pacific, so that is not especially convenient for me. Folks are free to check it out at that time, but they are unlikely to find me online.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: I couldnā€™t possibly comment :zipper_mouth_face:

MS does it again. Where would you like (you or your baggage or your software project) to be delayed today?

This Monday morning Peanut SOTA Net is underway. In the room we have:


I missed most of the fun with tech difficulties - the PTT slider would not budge on my tablet or a borrowed Android phone. Finally got it working on my PC.

Another good turnout. Several Peanut SOTA room regular participants expressed concern about a potential move to Discord, not wishing to move to a duplex system, also some spyware concerns about the download/installation process. I have not looked at Discord yet myself, but intend to do so if someone else organises a scheduled SOTA gathering. Based on these concerns though, I will keep the Peanut net going, even if a Discord net becomes established.

Well done mateā€¦I appreciate your effort as Iā€™m sure everyone else does.
Stay safe. 73

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Sorry I couldnt call in. I was using Android most of time and driving someone to the doctors but I was able to listen.

Steve - M5JSW

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Hi Ya Steve and welcomeā€¦Hopefully weā€™ll be able to hear you next time you join us

best 73 de 2E0AGB

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Thanks Allen, Ive been hanging around here on and off for some time but have dusted off the soldering iron and brushing up on the CW and have every intention of doing some SOTA once we are out and about again.


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So, next one at 1600z (1700 BST, 1800 CEST, 1200 EDT, 0200 Friday AEST) on Thursday.

Shall we go with that or is there a strong wish to vary the time? (The next one after that will be late evening UTC).

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Hi Tom, 1600z no go for me. In vk most of us are in bedā€¦9.00z and 2100z is fine for me.
Pity about the problems during the last net. Did you sort out your set-up?

73 de Geoff

Yeah but most people had gone by then! Mainly WiFi router was issues here at home QTH.

Iā€™ll start listening on Discord around that time and people can drift over to try it out whenever they feel the urge. I have a work meeting at 1715 Z, so Iā€™ll have to drop off by then.


hi Walterā€¦tried to get into your discord site it kept failing my tries. Gave up after a few goesā€¦decided to disconnectā€¦

73 de Geoff vk3sq

While Discord does have an audio mode, I find I use it mostly as an alternative to typed chat on IRC. Discord, like Zoom (and, presumably, many other similar systems) certainly has its fair share of interesing T&Cs and security concerns.The local radio club is using Zoom. A bunch of friends are using either Zoom or Jitsi as the fancy takes them. In the end you use what works.

Did anyone check into the SOTA room at 1600z for the scheduled net? I got bogged down with a stack of work and wasnā€™t available Iā€™m afraid. Just wondering if it happened? In any case, Sunday morning for the next one.

Not happy with Discord and its spammy and thirsty behaviour on my computer. Just uninstalled it. It had to go.

Peanut all the way for me.

Was there briefly but no-one else turned up . To be honest though Tom methinks it was too close to teatime. Concerning Discord - now youā€™ve uninstalled it youā€™ll be pestered by unwanted e-mails.

73 de 2E0AGB