Sota Flag on Monte Rotondo I/AB-020

Yesterday morning together with my friend Guido I went up towards Monte Rotondo I/AB-020 (2062 m), a beautiful mountain located in the Campo Felice area in Abruzzo. It snowed in the last few days and so it was a nice climb in the fresh snow using abandoned ski slopes and returning via a nice ridge path. The radio activity was quite fast only 17 in the 20 meter SSB band as there was a strong and very cold wind at the top and I didn’t want my friend Guido to suffer from the cold for my Sota activity :slight_smile:

I fixed the antenna on a large metal cross located at the top and where I also fixed the Sota flag which generated a lot of curiosity in the various hikers and skiers who reached the top.

73 of IW0HK Andrea


Thanks for your report Andrea, great photos too. :+1:

Geoff vk3sq

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Thanks Geoff !

73 And HK

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What a great report! I’ve only ever been up to the Abruzzo mountains in the summer but they look fab covered in snow :+1:

73 Lea