SOTA F/PO-248 by F8DZY/P

Hi all,
Just back from Garralda by night.
First I’m really sorry but no video : I forgot my memory card at home !!!
I realized this when taking first photo :frowning: sorry.
47 QSOs were done there (17 on 30M CW, 1 on 20M SSB and 29 on 40M CW).
Some nice “DX” and SOTA new ones like LA, ES, LY, SM & LX…
Huge pile-up and sigs from all Europe in this end of afternoon, and again some guys indisciplined, always sending their call while I try to understand another chaser with weaker signal, or when asking a call for the 3rd time, sending “CALL ?” or “SOTA ?”… please just listen, I send my call and SOTA ref regularly. I post this here but I know SOTAwatch users are OK with these simple rules of courtesy :wink:
CU from another SOTA !
Vy 73 de Chris F8DZY.

In reply to F8DZY:
Thanks for the QSO. Hope that I am not one of those QRM-makers you mention, hi.
QRL tomorrow so will miss your activity then. Good luck.

In reply to SM1TDE:
No, no, Eric, of course no HI !
You were a very strong 599 today, congrats.
CU :wink:
Vy 73 de Chris F8DZY.

In reply to F8DZY:
Good report. Hmmm, seems that my GU74B-tube is in order then…

In reply to SM1TDE:

Hmmm, seems that my GU74B-tube is in order then…
Probably still warm after working YK9G then… :slight_smile:

73 Marc G0AZS

In reply to G0AZS:
Yes, got them on CW 80/40/30/20/17m. UFB operators!