SOTA F/PO-197 - Lutogagne

The SOTA F/PO-197 - Lutogagne is on

Best 73
André f5ukl


Thanks for sharing with us the absolutely beautiful scenery of the Western Pyrenees.
The only problem is you are so close to me that I never get to copy you on any HF band.
Well, I guess we can’t have it all.
Keep up the good work you are doing and I’ll keep envying you very much…
Mes meilleurs voeux, André.


Bonjour Guru
Merci pour le message.
All the Pyrenean mountains, on both side are beautiful from Atlantic Ocean to Mediterranean sea.
I work often EA2LU, EA2DT or EA2CKX when I’m in this area. I hope that we’ll meet again soon.
As i use to say or write, the pleasure to share. We are living in a beautiful place with beautiful music and i want to show it to the world :heart_eyes:
Merci encore pour tous tes reportages. Bonne santé et SOTA.
Cordiales 73

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. . . are you allowed to use 60 m in the EA country?

That made it sometimes for me here in HB9 to contact close stations, although my antenna is not made for this frequency.

Vy 73 de Markus, HB9DIZ

Yes, we are allowed to use 60m, but I remember an activation from some not too far summit in F/PO area in which André used 60m and I wasn’t copying him on that band either.
There are too many mountains between F/PO and my remote station QTH about 18Km SW of Pamplona with the SOTA Erreniega EA2/NV-092 in between.


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Yes, I assume that, although I unfortunately know very little of them. Only some of EA2/NV and very little bit of EA2/HU, F/PO and C31.
That’s why I envy you with your mobile home and the time to move around as much as you want. I want to be like you when I’ll grow older :wink:
73, gero arte,


Kaixo Guru
Thanks a lot for your reply. Do not be in a hurry to get old. Once at an advanced age, it is too late to back down.
I feel that soon, I can not carry a heavy backpack anymore and that I will have to stop the SOTA but not the mountain hikes. indeed, the motorhome allows me to go into an area and activate the surrounding SOTA. Well have a nice holiday and take care.
Ikus arte Guru

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