This is the announcement of the 6th edition of the Multi SOTA activation in VHF FM.
The event will be held in saturday June the 8th 2024.
As for the previous events the idea is simple, try to activate SOTA from as many simultaneous summits as possible running VHF FM and enhance S2S and long distance qso with chasers.
Details on how to participate in the website (in spanish)
The frequencies are previously assigned and announced in the website to facilitate the multi operation without disturbing between us.
Alerts and Spots will be placed in Sotawatch as well.
Let me invite all surrounding countries to participate. We succesfully had QSO with CT, EA8, F, IS and I in these past events.
73 de Ignacio
Hi Ignacio,
Good initiative. If the weather allows it we will try to do an activity with the radio club, hoping to contact a maximum of activators.
73, Chris F4WBN
Hi Chris,
Great news to hear you’d like to try chasing us from a portable location (could we expect to see you in a SOTA in the future, hi?)
Hope you’ll be able to hear some of us!
If weather looks very bad we could change the date, and I would update the info here.
Will any activators be doing FT8? (or FT4)
I remember working some /P EA stations from home last year on FT8 when there was some enhanced propagation.
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Hi Pete,
The idea is to work FM to attract chasers with simple equipment at home thus making some publicity and promote SOTA
Sure any digital mode would allow some DX but so far we won’t use it in this multi-activator plan.
In the past we were very busy logging chasers, plus lots of VHF S2S, some at large distances, while rotating the yagi at hand. We miss time and more hands at some moments!
Anyway I’ll ask if any activator is prepared for that mode, maybe he could try that as well, at the start or end of this event…
Cheers, 73
Hi Ignacio!!
I will try to participate in this edition of the VHF event!!
Thank you very much for organizing it!!
BEST 73!!
We are one week ahead of this event. So far there are 38 activations (refs.) booked.
We are just hoping the weather will be just fine for June the 8th.
Summary of activators and the scheduled summit map here
73 Ignacio
Hola EA2BD que tal estás ? Muy buena iniciativa colega yo trabajo los sábados en decathlon asĂ que si puedo unirme o contactar lo harĂ© muchĂsimas gracias por la informaciĂłn aĂşn recuerdo la primera vez experimental SOTA EA2/NV166 con la moxon monobanda 20 m made Home hace cerca de 15 years a go … regards to teacher also Family ea2ws & Ea2bv twins Brothers 44 to all cult arounD the worlD 73
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We have decided to postpone the event, as the weather forecast is not safe for June the 8th: thunderstorms and rain in several EA places.
We cannot put on risk our team, a pity as there were already 40 summits booked for this event.
A new date will be announced soon here.
Safety first!
73 Ignacio
This is to announce the new date for this event: 22 June 2024.
We are arranging the updated list of participants and their summits.
They will be published here soon.
73 Ignacio
we are aproaching the scheduled event on 22-June.
The listing of participants have been updated after the date change due to bad weather in the original plan.
Now there are 29 summits in the listing. We wish all good luck in their activation and many long distance S2S and QSO running VHF from summits.
Here the operators, references and assigned QRG:
73 Ignacio
Hello Ignacio,
I am really looking forward to this activity. It will be the activity in which I will debut my new QRP equipment, the yaesu ft-818ND!
I also took you the challenge to build the flower pot antenna and a couple of hours ago I finished it! My first antenna with a lot of suffering and doubts, although I understand that for the more experienced it is an easy antenna to build since I have been able to build it myself!
The time spent has been 6 hours approximately and with a cost of approximately 14€, I have already been able to prove that it has noticeable improvements in reception, let’s wait for Saturday.
I hope that no construction error sinks the yaesu on the opening day. I will also bring some backup equipment. But the headlines are as mentioned.
I have already printed out the frequencies, I will try to review the guidelines and put myself in situation with the reports of previous years.
Thank you very much for all the effort and best regards, 73.
Last minute update:
some op is ill…some new op & summit enters…
Here the updated listing. Good luck all!
73 Ignacio
Ps: CT2IWW will also be on summit chasing for S2S.
Here is a little commentary on that day:
The two SOTAS are chosen nearby to be able to go in the same vehicle and share part of the hiking day. After the early start and the car trip, the road begins with some mistakes in the track… the excitement and the desire to make the summit make me walk faster than usual, as always.
Here is a view of the beautiful sota of my radio-godfather @EA7RX and Raquel that makes TorrejĂłn EA4/MD-044.
The arrival at the summit I seem to remember I do it at 11:15 local time. And I think that starting with the quansheng will save battery for the first contacts but the passion to release the yaseu 818 can with the head and I immediately start to melt the batteries.
Between the flowerpot antenna made for the event and the yaesu818 on the day of its release, I am nervous and very excited about the radio day that is just beginning.
Here is the view of my summit, Cabeza AntĂłn EA4/MD-032 from TorrejĂłn summit.
In front of both peaks we have the largest reservoir in the community of Madrid, the reservoir of El Atazar.
Soon I start to have clientele and the contacts form an exciting pile-up. I must say that I got the calling frequency for SOTA (with a lot of luck , thank you @ea2bd) helps me a lot.
In the end I managed to make 45 QSOs and 9 SOTAs on VHF and above all, a great day of radio shared with colleagues who are becoming more and more regulars on the airwaves.
I would like to share the endearing QSO with mountain neighbors, @EA4DON and @EA4DOS:
Many thanks to all the organizers and I hope to be at the next VHF FM SOTA event.