I wonder what the full list and total is, for DXCCs worked from English SOTA activations? There’s no easy way for me to trawl the Database for this info, so maybe we can do it in this thread.
I’ll start with my own list of 32 DXCCs worked from G SOTA activations:
G, GW, GD, GI, GM, EI, GU, ZB, F, DL, PA, ON, LA, SM, OH, LX, SP, HA, S5, I, EA, CT, UT, RA, OM, OK, 9A, YU, HB, OE, LZ, K
Please reply to this topic with any additional DXCCs you have worked from G SOTA activations, not listed in mine above. Loads of scope left there - as you can see, I’ve hardly worked any DX on SOTAs! Note, only from G association summits. If anyone wants to start additional topics to collect the data for another entity, feel free.
Hopefully the results will form some interesting stats for Roy’s news.
Thanks, Tom