SOTA Dinner - Ham Radio 2024 Friedrichshafen

. . . we will soon need the town hall, hi - the dinner is very popular!

Looking forward to meet you all!
73, Markus HB9DIZ


I want to register two more participants: I will bring OE5PGL, Peter, and OE5HHP, Herbert, with me.

73 Heinz

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I also like to come Thomas DJ2TG

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Thank you for organizing, please add me as a participant for the Friday dinner

73 / cheers


Current status: 52 registered participants!

73 Jens HB9EKO


Hello Jens

If there is still room for one more person, I would also like to participate in the SOTA-dinner

vy 73 Hans, HB9BQU

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Hi Jens,
please be so kind and put my name on the list.
Thanks for organizing the meeting.

73, Christian DL3EC


Hallo Jens, ich wĂŒrde auch gerne kommen, danke fĂŒrs organisieren.
vy 73 Sebastian, DL8MEK

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Hi Jens

Could you please tell me the start time for the dinner meet up on Friday, 28th June 2024?

73 Phil G4OBK

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Same procedure as last year: 18:30.

I’ll send an update with the latest number of participants in early june.

73 Jens HB9EKO


Thank you for the information Jens. We have time for a quickie activation of DM/BW-348 therefore before we meet up at the venue

Phil G4OBK
Victor GI4ONL

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I won’t be able to attend as I previously hoped. Some other year perhaps :blush: have fun

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Thanks for organizing this event 
 I will be there (+ 1 person OE5DRO), looking forward to meeting you all.

73 Michael

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Hi Jens
I would like to participate too.
Hope, it’s not too late.
Thanks, 73 Fritz HB9CYX


Not related to the dinner but a reminder to all for Saturday at Ham radio FN:

This CQDL snippet is inaccurate as in the SOTA Conference is from 1400-1545, NOT 1445.
Here are the full details of the conference:
SOTA Conference – Exchange of experiences and presentations about SOTA and Outdoor Radio (Engl.) :: Hamradio 2024 :: pretalx

73 Ed.


Hey Jens!
I hope my answer is not too late

We are 2 participants for SOTA dinner 
 OE6ADE + YL Sandra
Thank you, 73 Andy OE6ADE

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Hi Andy,
no, don’t worry. I’ll update the restaurant a few days before with the exact number of participants anyway.

73 Jens HB9EKO


Liebe SOTA-Aktivisten,

Wir möchten euch nochmals die letzten Informationen fĂŒr den SOTA-Stand auf der HamRadio 2024 mitteilen. Aktuell sind 1020 SFr. an Spenden online eingegangen. Hier sind die BetrĂ€ge, welche an den 3 Messetagen noch hinzukommen, natĂŒrlich nicht enthalten.

Auch haben wir wieder großzĂŒgige Spenden fĂŒr die Tombola erhalten, wie mehrere Morsetasten und Schweizer Sackmesser. Schon aus diesem Grund lohnt es sich, bei uns am Stand vorbeizukommen.

Wir werden auch wie letztes Jahr wieder diverse AusrĂŒstungen zeigen, die wir SOTA-Aktivatoren mit auf den Berg nehmen. Zudem erklĂ€ren wir am Stand erneut die verschiedenen mobilen Logmöglichkeiten auf Windows, Apple und Android. SelbstverstĂ€ndlich stehen wir auch fĂŒr alle anderen Fragen rund um SOTA zur VerfĂŒgung, und das in mehreren Sprachen.

Wie im letzten Jahr möchten wir auch dieses Jahr das QSL-Karten-Austauschtreffen tĂ€glich um 11:00 Uhr (09:00 UTC) am Stand durchfĂŒhren. Also nicht vergessen, bringt eure QSL-Karten mit!

Am Freitag um 18:30 Uhr (16:30 UTC) findet zudem das Abendessen im Restaurant Gasthof Adler, Kornstraße 1, 88094 Oberteuringen statt, zu dem sich bisher 60 Personen angemeldet haben. Dieses gemĂŒtliche Beisammensein bietet eine großartige Gelegenheit, sich in entspannter AtmosphĂ€re auszutauschen und neue Kontakte zu knĂŒpfen.

Wir freuen uns auf zahlreiches Erscheinen und interessante GesprĂ€che mit euch. Gemeinsam können wir die Begeisterung fĂŒr SOTA weitertragen und uns ĂŒber die neuesten Entwicklungen und Erfahrungen austauschen.

Mit freundlichen GrĂŒĂŸen,

Jean-Pierre HB9HBV,
My YL Anita HB9HBU und

Dear SOTA Activists,

We would like to share the latest information regarding the SOTA booth at the HamRadio 2024. Up to now, we recieived donnations of 1020 CHF online. The amount that will be added during the 3 exhibition days is, of course, not included.

We have also received generous donations for the raffle, such as several morse keyers and Swiss Army knives. For this reason alone, it is worth visiting our booth.

As last year, we will again show various equipments that us SOTA activators take with us on the mountains. Additionally, we will explain the different mobile logging options on Windows, Apple, and Android. Of course, we are also available to answer any other questions about SOTA, and that in several languages.

Like last year, we would like to hold the QSL card exchange meeting daily at 11:00 AM (09:00 UTC) at the booth. So don’t forget to bring your QSL cards!

On Friday at 6:30 PM (4:30 PM UTC), the dinner will also take place at the Gasthof Adler restaurant, Kornstraße 1, 88094 Oberteuringen, where 60 people have registered so far. This cozy gathering offers a great opportunity to exchange ideas in a relaxed atmosphere and make new contacts.

We look forward to seeing many of you there and having interesting conversations with you. Together, we can continue to spread the enthusiasm for SOTA and share the latest developments and experiences.

Best regards,

Jean-Pierre HB9HBV,
My YL Anita HB9HBU and


2 participants for the Friday dinner: CT2GSN and CT1FPW
Thank you.


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Hello Jens

I would like to come to the Sota dinner on Friday.
Can you please add me.

Frank F4JYM