Hi everyone,
so I’ve done a bulk upload of basically all my activations made before 2024-05
after uploading and when planning possible new activations I have noticed a S2S contact that had a wrong date for the summit i chased (“shifted” to the next activation date)
after further looking into it I discoverd that some(how) apparently s2s contacs have wrong dates in the database though beeing shown correctly if i click edit.
as an example - here is one of the (2) dates I have found this error at (already):
Logview (S2S only):
Adifmaster of the uploaded adif file:
If I didnt miss anything, the edit view of the uploaded data and the actual file i have in my PC have consistent (and correct) data and only the final/public log has the date-error.
is there anything i am not aware of I could try to solve this problem or should i just delete and upload again? (maybe separating to individuall activations?)