SOTA database certificate?

Tonight (1 April 2021, about 0115 UTC) I hoped to upload last weekend’s summit activations to the SOTA Database. However, my antivirus/security program, Bitdefender, won’t allow me to connect to the website and warns:

" Suspicious page blocked for your protection

Your connection to this web page is not safe due to an expired security certificate.
Web pages must renew their certificates to stay current, and outdated security certificates represent a risk for your data."

I’ve not seen this problem before, including my most recent upload about a week ago. Does the website need updating or do I have a problem with my system?

Running Windows 10 with Bitdefender. The message displayed on both Firefox and Microsoft Edge.
Thanks & 73
Scott WB8ICQ

I am also getting a warning from Google Chrome and Firefox when trying to access



Me too, a SOTA Database security issue using Safari on the Mac.
73, John K1JD

Ditto, here. SOTAwatch3 is fine, but not the database. Using Bitdefender and Win10. Dave, AE9Q

Ditto. Using Chrome

Roland K7FOP

Hi, I have tried 3 different browsers and get the same messages on them all. I have the latest Firefox browser

73 de Geoff vk3sq

We are aware of the issue. It should be sorted soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.



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Sorry, my bad. I had configured a manual certificate during the migration to a new host and the auto-renewal wasn’t enabled.


Forget it and thank you for the work behind the scenes.
73 Chris


At least it’s not an e-commerce site. I forgot who, but I remember going to such as site and their cert had expired a few minutes before. Whoopsie!

So does “Let’s Encrypt” auto renew and install the new certificate? I’ve always dealt with CAs who issue the multi-year certs. It would be a PITA to have to install a new one every 3 months.

Yes - there is a ‘bot’ that will check and update certs for you as long as your site is hosted on a supported platform.

I even managed to update from an old but still supported OS version on my hosting server and get “Let’s Encrypt” to update the certs for all my sites.

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In this case it’s done by the host (when you actually tick the box to do it…), but yes, for the others we run it’s a painless process. Basically a cron job that checks every 15 days with a ‘certbot renew’ command and if it renews, reloads the relevant config as required.